To open the Define Output dialog, double-click on an output name in the Instruments Mixer Window or option-click the output name in the graphic editors track title bar.

The Define Output dialog has the following parameters:

Output name


Lock notes

Programs start at 1



Pitch bend sensitivity

Pitchbend vibrato

Upon play reset

Assign volume slider of pan knob


 Lock notes

Set this for drum tracks that you do not want to be transposed. When multiple tracks are selected and a track is assigned to this output and the lock notes parameter is checked, the track will not be transposed.

Programs start at 1

When this item is checked program number will start at one and range from 1 - 128 instead of the default 0 - 127.

Pitchbend vibrato

When this item is checked, Metro will synthesize vibrato for this output using pitchbend. For this to work properly the destination MIDI device must respond to pitch bend and be set to the same pitch bend sensitivity as set in this dialog. The depth setting sets the maximum depth of the velocity in cents and must be a value less than or equal to pitch bend sensitivity * 100. The duration parameter sets the speed of the pitch bend vibrato. The controller can be any MIDI controller. 128 should be entered to use channel aftertouch.

Upon play reset

These options allow you to reset some common MIDI controllers or pitch bend before playback starts.

See also:

Lead Generator