Output Groupings In the Instruments Mixer window, you can choose multiple faders of Outputs to be grouped together when you move one fader in the group, all faders move. To group Output faders:- Open the Instruments Mixer window (Command-i).
- Select each Outputs fader to be placed in the same group by Command-clicking on each Output Name (located below each fader). Output Names you click become highlighted. Shift-click to select ranges of Outputs.
- Choose Output Groupings from the Special menu.
- Click the Group button.
- Click either :
- Fadesets all fader polarities to positive, providing linked movement that isidentical
- Cross Fadesets every other fader to a different polarity, which causes every other faderto move in the opposite direction of the previous fader, thereby creating acrossfade
- Click OK.
The polarity setting can be overridden in this dialog box by selecting thepolarity button and choosing positive or negative. Polarities determine whichdirection faders move when a fader it is grouped with is moved. If the polaritiesare the same, they move in the same direction; if they are different, theymove in different directions.Notice that faders in each group appear in a different shade of gray, or in adifferent color if you have a color monitor.During playback or record, you’ll see faders automatically move according to the controller values recordedin the Section. See Also:Saving Faders and Output Setups |