Recording in Multiple Take Mode Multiple Take mode is good for continually recording multiple takes into the same time range without being influenced by the previous take playing back. Metro automatically mutes each previously recorded pass; all you hear is what you're currently recording. In Multiple Take mode, you will probably prefer recording each pass onto a separate track using the Replace Record mode. The Overdub record mode layers all passes onto one track, which is ideal for Drum Machine-style Recording.To record in multiple take mode:- Choose Record/Play from the Setup menu to open the Record and Play Setupdialog box.
- Under Record Loop Setup, click the Multiple take mode button.
- In the 'N' Tracks maximum when loop recording field, enter the number of tracks that you want to loop record.
- Under Record Mode, click the Replace button and click OK.
- In the Transport window (Command-B), set the loop record range by clicking thedoor of the Punch icon (lower right corner) to open the Punch In/Out dialogbox. Enter In and Out locations and click OK (you can also drag a loop recordrange in the Graphic Editor window).
- Record enable a track in the Tracks window by clicking its 'R' column.
The first loop pass you record will go to the track you initially record enable, called the 'base' track. Each loop you record thereafter will go to the next unused higher numbered track in chronological order. - Check the Loop Record checkbox in the Transport to enable Loop Recording.
- Click Record or press Option-R
recording begins as soon as Metro receives MIDI data, and as soon as theCounter reaches the Punch In time (if Punch Record in is enabled). In the Tracks window, you'll notice that the same number of tracks as you specified in the Record/Play dialog box appear with the name 'Loop Record Track..' All tracks are muted except the current Record track. After each loop pass is recorded, the next loop record track isautomatically record enabled and the previous track is muted. When the last loop record track is recorded, recording stops. To name your tracks:- Option
-click a Track Name and type the new name. Press the Enter key to move to the next Track Name field to name the next higher numbered track. Press the Return key or click on another track to exit from Track Name mode. |