Expand by Channel

A track can contain data associated with more than one MIDI channel. For

example, most MIDI guitar controllers transmit each string’s data over its own channel. Recording this kind of data, or Importing a Type0 standard

MIDI file, would put several channels of MIDI data into one track.

Using Expand by Channel separates data by MIDI channel. All data containing the same channels aregrouped on to the same track. Track placement is completely dependent on thelocation (track number) of the original track being expanded. After initiating the Expand by Channel operation, the original expanding track will contain only SysEx or SubSectiondata (because this data does not have channel information encoded in it); thenewly created tracks will be placed sequentially, starting with the first blanktrack in the current Section. The number of new tracks created afterinitiating Expand by Channel depends on the number of MIDI channels contained in the track being expanded.

See Also:

Expand by SubSections

Expand by Loops

Expand by Drums

Expand by Channel