fastlanephil wrote:Thanks for your help again. I thought that the mix down track being archived and shown as muted but still playing was kind of strange.
fastlanephil wrote:That was it all right. I'm using a Tascam US-122 and you have to unplug it to have a built-in audio port out.
fastlanephil wrote:I reset audio/midi so that built-in audio was the default and the system output but when I launch Metro and go to the Modify Outputs And Busses set up, built-in audio is not in the pop up list for outputs. If I quit Metro and go pull out the Tascam US-122 and relaunch Metro then built-in audio is available in the Modify Outputs And Busses pop up menu for outputs. It does the same thing with my M-Audio Transit. It looks like you don't have the option of built-in audio when using a USB audio device.
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