The Keyboard Window

The Keyboard window enables the entry of musical information via the use of its virtual keyboard or by typing directly on the computer keyboard. It also allows pitch bend and modulation (MIDI controller number 1) to be entered. Modulation can alternatively be entered via the mouse wheel.

Note: There is a limit on most computer keyboards as to the number of detectable keys at one time so you may be limited to certain combinations of keys when trying to play chords.

The keys on the computer keyboard are arranged for a more than 2 octave range. The lower octave, corresponding to a standard piano keyboard, contains the keys:


Note: the white keys occur all in a row.

The upper octave contains the keys:

Z,S,X,D,C,V,G,B,H,N,J,M, and the comma key. Some extra notes occur past the end of the higher octave.

The '[' and ']' keys on the computer keyboard are used to change the current octave.

Real-Time Arpeggiator

The keyboard window also houses the Real-Time Arpeggiator. The Real-Time Arpeggiator features multiple arpeggiation patterns; multiple arpeggiation methods; octaves control; sync control; swing control; steps control; pattern UI area with 16 X 3 steps, each with quick independent control over transpose, velocity and duration via popup; latching; retriggering; initialize pattern; randomize pattern; shuffle pattern; load and save presets; copy and paste; transpose up and down; remote control of arp parameters; spread slider for guitar like strumming; left and right arrow keys can be used to rotate the current pattern; and more.

The Real-Time Arpeggiator works with all soft synth plugs and external MIDI and is now available for Metro SE and Metro LX users.

Windows Version of the Keyboard window with arpeggiator active.

Click in the picture below for an explanation of particular functions.

Click the 'real time arpeggiator on' switch to toggle the arppeggiator on and off.


The options menu provides functionality for controlling the powerful arpeggiator functions. Use 'Open Preset...' to load a preset from the file system. Presets include all parameters and patterns. Use 'Save Preset As..' to save a copy of the current arpeggiator settings.

'Initialize' sets all arpeggiator settings to their defaults.

'Randomize' is a powerful function that creates a random pattern. It makes intelligient decisions to try to produce more useful results.

'Randomize Rhythm' is the same as Randomize accept that it does not affect pitch information.

'Shuffle' rearranges the current pattern by shuffling the steps.

'Copy' copies the current pattern for use by the paste command.

'Paste' pastes the current contents of the arpeggiator clipboard over the current pattern. This function is only available if an arpeggiation pattern had previously been copied and it is not undoable.

'Rotate Left' and 'Rotate Right' rotates the current pattern in the direction specified.

'Transpose Up' and 'Transpose Down' transposes the current pattern up or down one half step respectively.


Latch allows the arpeggiator to continue after the keys come up.


Normally keys pressed in the middle of pattern are synced based on the position in the pattern and start in the middle. If Retrigger is checked, the pattern will restart from the beginning regardless of the current sequencer time.


The method popup determines how the arpeggiation is processed.

UpDown: Notes are sorted and processed from lowest to highest pitch and then highest to lowest. The highest and lowest notes are only processed once.

UpDownEdges: Same as UpDown but the highest and lowest notes are processed twice.

Up: Notes are processed from lowest to highest.

Down: Notes are processed from highes to lowest.

Chords: Notes are played at each step as they are entered.

Diatonic chords: Same as Chords except that transposed notes are tranposed in the current scale based on the time signature of the section.


This setting determines the duration of each step in the currently selected pattern.


The Octaves setting within the arpeggiator section determines the number of extra octaves added to the arpeggiator function. Octaves are always added higher in pitch.

The Octaves setting outside of the arpeggiator section determines what the first note of the onscreen keyboard will be. You may also use the '[' and ']' keys on the computer keyboard to change the current octaves setting.


This setting determines the number of steps in the currently selected pattern.


This setting determines the swing of the current pattern. Swing of 50% is no swing. Otherwise swing affects the position of every other note in the pattern.


This setting causes notes in the pattern to be spread out or flammed by the percent specified.


Click on the number box to select the current arpeggiator pattern. The current pattern is highlighted.

Arpeggiatior Pattern:

Transpose Row:

Each item in the row represent the number of half steps the currently held notes will be transposed and played for the current arpeggiation step.

Velocity Row:

Each item in this row represent the amount of velocity change that will be applied to currently held notes for the current arpeggiation step.

Duration Row:

Each item in this row represent the amount of duration change that will be applied to currently held notes for the current arpeggiation step. '--' means that the current step ties its duration to the following step. 'R' means that no notes are played during this step and a rest occurs instead.

Chord Row:

Each item in this row represent the index of the note to play at the current arpeggiator step. '--' is the normal setting. In the normal setting the note(s) will play based on the current arpeggiator method (see above). Here is an explanation of the possible values to be played in this row:

Indicator Explanation
'C' or Chord Play all the notes currently being held down.
'L' or '1' or lowest Plays the lowest pitch note.
'H' or highest Plays the highest pitch note.
'--' Play the current position determined by the arpeggiator method.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 Play the numerically indexed note based on the sorted order of  notes
currently held down.


This setting determines which MIDI channel is sent for MIDI messages originating from the keyboard window.


If range velocity is selected the velocity is the current velocity with the randomness setting applied. If mouse velocity is selected the velocity will be based on the current horizontal position of the mouse in the velocity region of the keyboard window.


Click on the keyboard to play (or record) notes at the designated pitch and with the velocity specified.

See Also: