Adding Real-time Effects to One Track

Let’s add one real-time effect to one track:

  1. Open the Plug-ins window (Command-9).

  2. Open the Effects window (Command-0).

  3. In the Effects window, select the audio track you want to add effects to byclicking the popup menu in the track titlebar.

  4. In the Plug-ins window, drag the effect you want to use into the Effectswindow.

Make sure the Power button is highlighted and the Bypass button is not.

  1. Play your track (looping playback is a good idea) and adjust the Send, Dry andWet levels (see below).

  2. Adjust the effects knobs to taste or choose a preset from the popup menu thatis located in the upper right corner of the effect’s front panel.

  3. Choose Save Preset As from the popup menu to save any customized settings youcreate.

The Send slider effects how much of the dry (unprocessed) track gets sent to the firstplug-in. The output from the first plug-in flows to the second plug-in, and soforth and so on. Before the signal reaches the output bus, Metro adds the Dry signal back into the output of the last plug-in. Think of the Send setting asthe input amount for the current effects.

To add more effects in series (caution: real-time effects use a great deal of your computer’s processing capability):

  • Double-click the effect name in the Plug-ins window.

The new effect appears in the Effects window below the first effect.

You can drag the names of the effects in the Effects window to change theirorder.

To remove an effect from the signal path:

  • In the Effects window, click the name of the effect and press Delete.

For the purposes of this tutorial, go ahead and delete the effects from theEffects window.

The next step in the effects tutorial is Adding Real-time Effects to Multiple Tracks.

Adding Real-time Effects to One Track