Recording Tempo Changes from Your Controller

One of the most interesting ways to control tempo , volume, or many other parameters is to assign one of your controller’s sliders or wheels to control a particular parameter.

To record tempo or parameter changes from your controller:

  1. From the Setup menu choose Record Criteria.

The Record Criteria dialog box appears.

  1. Make sure that Pitch Bend, Modulation Wheel, Controllers, and Tempo Changesare checked, and click OK.

  2. From the Windows menu choose Remote Control.

The Remote Control dialog box appears.

  1. From the Insert popup menu choose Controller or Pitch Bend (depending on whichwheel you want to use on your controller).

  2. Click whatever term is in the Command column to open the popup menu; choose Tempo, Output Vol., or whatever parameter you want to control.

  3. Click the Ch. Column to choose the MIDI channel of the patch or Output you want to control.

  4. Record enable a track and press Option-R to start recording.

  5. Move the appropriate wheel or slider on your controller to send tempo orparameter data.

  6. Press the Spacebar to stop recording.

You can view your results in the Section Event Editor or Graphic Editorwindows.

Recording Tempo Changes from Your Controller