Entering notes

Choose the note value, then click the cursor in the staff where you want toadd the note. The pitch of the note depends on the vertical space or line thatyou click.

METRO automatically puts rests after a note, to fill the measure correctly:

METRO auto-stems notes according to staff position or group (beaming). If youwant the beams to be horizontal, choose the Flat Beams option in the SetupNotation Track dialog box (page 478).

How and where METRO places notes depends on where you click in the horizontalarea of the measure. Here are some quick examples, demonstrating the varietyof note entry scenarios.

  1. Create a new file in METRO.

  2. Open the Notation window, which displays a single measure by default.

  3. Choose a quarter note from the Notes palette and click anywhere in thedisplayed measure. METRO inserts the note at the first available beat of the measure.

  4. Insert a second quarter note. Click to the immediate left of the quarter noteon beat one. METRO adds a note at the same time (beat one).

  5. Insert a third quarter note. Click to the right of the notes on beat one. METRO adds a note on beat two, since it is the next available beat.

  6. Add a quarter note to the next measure. Click anywhere to the right of thehalf-note rest in the measure. METRO adds a quarter note to beat one of the nextmeasure and automatically recalculates the layout to display that measure.

  7. Add a note in a different voice.

a. Choose an eighth note from the Notes palette.

b. Click to the right of the quarter note on the first beat of measure two. METRO automatically puts that note in a new voice, (since it has a different rhythmfrom the other note that occurs at the same time) and generates rests for thenew voice.

See Also:

Selecting from the Notes palette using the mouse

Selecting from the Notes palette using the keyboard

Rules for note entry

Entering rests

Entering accidentals

Entering notes