Metro is an Open Music System™ (OMS) compatible application. OMS (OS 9 or before only) allows all OMS compatible applications to gather important information about your MIDI studio, and to be simultaneously updated about changes to your studio. OMS v2.0 or higher recommended for use with Metro.

If you choose to run Metro in the OMS environment, you must first accurately define your physical MIDI studio setup within the OMS Setup application's Studio Setup document. You define your MIDI studio setup by entering information about your actual devices, such as device ID, receive channels, sends/receives sync, etc.

OMS associates all device information with each device name; therefore, you do not have to keep track of each device's port and channel. When you select the name of the desired device in Metro, all pertinent information about that device is also selected.

The OMS Studio Setup document is a primary source of information to all OMS compatible applications, so you must be sure it always accurately reflects the devices in your actual MIDI studio. Metro derives its 'knowledge' of your studio from the Studio Setup document and can be dynamically updated about changes to your studio only if you enter those changes in the OMS Studio Setup document.

exclaim2.gif Important: Be sure to read your OMS manual for instructions and other importantinformation.

See Also:

OMS Studio Setup