Constrained Chord/Scale Transpose To Markers

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Constrained Chord/Scale Transpose To Markers

Postby Lytz1 » Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:19 pm

Hello Jeremy,

just a short question:

Is it possible to force a, lets say for example 8 bar BassSequence that is pure C translate into
an 8 bar chord progression which is C-A-D-E for example?

Without URE making a new sequence,
just translating the notes to scale over the whole progression?

If so, how can that be done?


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:45 pm

I have no idea what you are asking. Can you be more specific?
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Fri Jul 18, 2014 5:32 pm

Okay, I try to do my best.

I lay down a chordprogression in Metro via Markers/Chord Entry or Chord Recognition.

I know that I can now use the UltraRythm Explorer to generate notes that play along this chordprogression.

But I do not want a generated melody.

I have record my own simple bassline in C. And Because the Chordprogression is very complicated for me to play along

I ' d like to know if I can transpose/constraina simple 1 Bar "C" Bassline to a full 8 Bar melodic one based on the Chordprogression markers.

Kind of what the Rythm Explorer does, but with my own melody pattern/sequences.

Is that a bit better to undestand?


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:13 pm

Lytz1 wrote:I lay down a chordprogression in Metro via Markers/Chord Entry or Chord Recognition.

I understand up to here. You have a progression in markers.

Lytz1 wrote:I have record my own simple bassline in C. And Because the Chordprogression is very complicated for me to play along
I ' d like to know if I can transpose/constraina simple 1 Bar "C" Bassline to a full 8 Bar melodic one based on the Chordprogression markers.

This is where you lose me. "Transpose/constrain"?

The way all of the currently released Rhythm Explorer algorithms work is that they take the already inserted/existing notes and try to create interesting rhythms with them. If there are no notes in the selection, RE will take the liberty of randomly inserting notes that match the chord progression in the markers.

I don't know if that helps or just confuses the matter further.
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:29 pm

Jerm wrote:
Lytz1 wrote:I lay down a chordprogression in Metro via Markers/Chord Entry or Chord Recognition.

I understand up to here. You have a progression in markers.

Lytz1 wrote:I have record my own simple bassline in C. And Because the Chordprogression is very complicated for me to play along
I ' d like to know if I can transpose/constraina simple 1 Bar "C" Bassline to a full 8 Bar melodic one based on the Chordprogression markers.

This is where you lose me. "Transpose/constrain"?

The way all of the currently released Rhythm Explorer algorithms work is that they take the already inserted/existing notes and try to create interesting rhythms with them. If there are no notes in the selection, RE will take the liberty of randomly inserting notes that match the chord progression in the markers.

I don't know if that helps or just confuses the matter further.

Okay, I try again... :)

Yes, the rythm explorer will randomly insert notes that match the chord progression.

I, however, want my OWN already *recorded* notes match the chord progression.

Makes sense?


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:58 pm

Why not use cut and paste then?
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:47 am

Well, I still think we are talking about two different things here.

if I paste, I get the same notes as before.

The pasted notes are not changed in pitch to the chordprogression.

They are simply pasted.

Maybe there is some kind of "paste specia" command or something?

Heres a video that shows the general functionality of "force to scale" in Cubase 7's Chordtrack, to change the song on the fly to
chordprogressions. This is obviously very sophisticated, but I am looking for a stipped down simple workaround for exaxt this feature
on a per-track basis.

Video starts 5.50, you'll get in 30 seconds what I mean.


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:05 pm

Okay I understand now and that seems like a useful feature.

There is nothing like that in Metro. You could file a feature request. Something like 'constrain to chords'. I would need a bunch of details though. Such as which notes are displayed? How does the UI work? Is it applied to individual tracks? Is the function destructive? In the sense that the notes are permanently moved to fit the chord or can they be restored by removing the chord. etc., etc,
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:40 pm

Alright, I 'll try to do so and gather some more information
and file a FR when I have time.

Again, also I think it doesnt have to be that sophisticated.

Basically a repeated transpose command that destructively transposes the notes to
the actual chordprogression (that is shown by Metros markers) would be sufficient for most uses.


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:47 pm

Very good. Thanks.
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:49 pm

For now and for starters I tried to clarify a possible solution that might be easy to implement via a screenshot that I did.

This would only need the ability to chain several Transpose-Window commands one after the other in some
kind of macro-fashion.

I hope the picture makes it clearer what my thoughtprocess is.

Have a look:
Transpose_and_Sect.png (160.67 KiB) Viewed 10831 times
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:28 pm

Yes that would be easy to implement since the most time consuming part of development is usually the user interface.

As for what happens after the user selects 'OK' from the transpose dialog when 'Use chord progression from markers' is selected, it could produce different result every time. Is that what you are looking for or are you wanting it to always do the same thing, basically moving notes so that they pitch-quantize to the closest note in the current marker chord?

Also FYI: The next version of Metro incorporates scales into the markers as well, so it may be that you want to transpose the notes within the scale and/or chord.
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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Lytz1 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:08 pm

Because Metro is generative/nonpredictive with the URE also,

I think it would be also a good thing when not always the same comes out at the end with the transposer as well.

Thats a pure design decision in my opinion. I would be cool with either one of the solutions.

And that "Scales into markers" sounds (and looks) pretty darn interesting to me... :)


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Re: Force to Chordseq Scale

Postby Jerm » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:23 pm

I don't know if you have seen this post but this was made a while ago and the improvements have been pretty dramatic since then.

As far as the non-predictive nature, that would be a little inconsistent within the transpose dialog. I think the best thing would be to simply move the notes to the closest marker chord (and/) or scale tones.
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Re: Constrained Chord/Scale Transpose To Markers

Postby Jerm » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:31 pm

This feature has been implemented. Note that for simplicity sake, if 'constrain to scale' is checked in the transpose dialog and the 'Transpose to Markers' radio button is selected then the current marker lead scale is used instead of the current marker chord.
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