a VSTI Leading another VSTI

Topics related to effect plug-ins

a VSTI Leading another VSTI

Postby françois » Fri May 09, 2014 10:40 am

Hello, I tried to find the answer on the metro manuel or metro tips, but didn't find, so I post the question :
is it possible to lead a vsti with another vsti ?
I want to use Rapidcomposer in VST mode using the sounds of another VSTI.
Like this :

Thanks for your help
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Re: a VSTI Leading another VSTI

Postby Jerm » Fri May 09, 2014 2:36 pm

This page contains info on what I think you are looking for. Basically you load the RC plug-in. Then in the effects window, check 'record midi' from the contextual menu. You will then see the input in the track input select popup which you can assign to other tracks.
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Re: a VSTI Leading another VSTI

Postby françois » Sat May 10, 2014 12:36 am

ok jerm thanks.

I put 2 plugs ont the same effects/synth rack ( on the same midi track ) :
- RC with record midi checked
- a vsti

TO ear the sound I had also to check " rapidcomposer " on the midi selection on the transport windows. otherwise no sound...
is it good ?
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Re: a VSTI Leading another VSTI

Postby Jerm » Sat May 10, 2014 12:46 pm

It works like any other device. When you select it in the transport, MIDI data is being sent to RC. I thought RC was sending the MIDI data?

It is a bit complicated so you may want to write down the flow. RC should be sending MIDI out to different tracks so you will want to select the correct input and output MIDI channels.
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