This is probably the same issue as the last post. I'm using Lion on a new iMac i5.Loading Metro with my project would cause Metro to stall. Force Quit would say" Metro Not Responding". I would have to try three times to get it up and running.
I tossed all the Metro prefs which you can access in Lion by holding the option key down while pulling down the go menu in the finder. This will show Library and >Preference Folder.
I did a new installation and it seems to be fine for now. It loaded super fast without any plug-ins.
Today my iMac shut down twice while I was out of the room. Apple sent a message that there was a problem and to send them the data which I did.
I backed with my bootable FW 800 external with CCC just in case.
Lion has a thing about how it wants a program to reload. It wants the last files to be there. I don't know if this is a problem or not.
I'll let you know how things go.