Mouse & Pad Scrolling in Lion

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Mouse & Pad Scrolling in Lion

Postby fastlanephil » Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:28 am

When you use Lion with the Apple scroll mouse or pad in Metro you can really make the graphic editor tracks zip back and forth. I found it a little out of control so if you do too here is how to slow it down.

Go to System Preferences and select Universal Access at the top right. Then select the mouse or pad(if you have a pad). In the mouse pane then select mouse options at the bottom right. Select Scrolling [without inertia]. I then set the Scrolling Speed one notch below the middle or what speed you like. Click done. It's the pretty much the same for the pad.

I then checked the box at the bottom left that says Show Universal Access in the menu bar. That makes it easy to change the settings.

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