For organists, stop changes are recorded as Sysex data. It would be helpful if Metro would provide a way to display the actual name of the stop. One way would be to provide an editable table which would allow each stop name to be entered and linked to its corresponding sysex code. Then Metro would be required to display the name of the stop when its code appears in a sequence, instead of the generic "Sysex." About 16 characters would need to be displayed. (More than allowed at present). This would assist the player in reviewing a sequence. The labels should read both in the Graphic and the Event editors.
Here's an example of a real instance: "Gt Principal 8 On" displayed whenever "F0 2B 01 23 00 12 F7" is received by the program.
Perhaps there could be a small utility provided with the program which would guide the organist to set up the table.
Not a big deal, but it could be helpful.
S Rosenberg