If you start the song from the beginning then no Song Position Pointer is needed. From the MIDI specification:
A MIDI Start always begins playback at MIDI Beat 0 (ie, the very beginning of the song). So, when a slave device receives a MIDI Start, it automatically resets its "Song Position" to 0. If the device needs to start playback at some other point (either set by a previous Song Position Pointer message, or manually by the musician), then MIDI Continue is used instead of MIDI Start.
So if you see a start message then no Song pointer (should) be needed.
Yes Song Position Pointer is 0xF2 but MIDI monitor just calls it by name and Clock is 0xF8.
Metro's MIDI output is exactly what it should be. The Song Position Pointer is only output when not starting from the beginning and it is followed by a continue message otherwise a start message is sent. In either case clocks are sent out 24 per quarter note.
It is possible that the Roland MV implementation has a bug in it that requires a song pointer position from the beginning of the song. If this were the case then playing back from the middle would work. Is that what you are seeing?