I have suggestions that are about mouseless operations on the graphic editor. No mouse is involved here. Shortcuts for the graphic editor make sense for the most part, except for a few things here and there.
I'm not sure why the graphic editor can't add (or subtract) to a selection while pressing the shift key like in most mac applications.
In MacOS itself, to increase a selection of files in a finder window, you'd press the shift key while increasing the selection with the up-arrow arrow keys. In metro you could use the left-right arrow. Maybe up/down arrows as well, for forceps editing mode (vertical selections).
This would apply to ANY operation that involves navigating inside the graphic editor.
For example, if I'm navigating on a per note basis with the bracket keys [ ]. I should be able to also add the shift key modifier to add selection as I navigate a note a time.
There are some other small things that I'm trying to understand why they work the way they do. They just feel counter-intuitive, and I don't know where else to post them. Below are suggestions on pre-existing commands I feel aren't consistent. These aren't feature requests.
If I select a note, and I'm able to drag it forwards and backwards with the arrow key. Why then do I have to press the command modifier key and the up/down arrow to shift the key a note up/down?
Why not keep the arrow tools for selection, and nudging of selected notes. Then use the command modifier + up/down arrow keys to in/decrease velocity, and cmnd left-right arrow to in/decrease duration.
I emailed you 4 video screen captures to better illustrate this. They're under 100k a video (h264).
btw. one video is a suggestion for a deselect key (the esc key). because currently you can't deselect a selection unless you use a mouse.
oh. it would help if users were able to post screenshots of their metro windows right on the forum. I'm not talking about img hosted by the user, but by sagan's forum webserver.