Mixing Board...

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Mixing Board...

Postby w » Sat Nov 26, 2005 11:19 pm

I'm having troubles understanding how to setup a mixing board.

For example after importing a midi file which has for example 16 midi tracks and I open/select mixing board that board will only the first midi track.

How do I create a mixing board that will reflect only those 16 midi tracks?

And then if I add additional midi or audio tracks how do I get those into the mixing board?

Is there a menu selection that will set the mixing board to be the same as the number of tracks that I just want to work with in the project?
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Re: Mixing Board...

Postby Jerm » Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:39 am

w wrote:How do I create a mixing board that will reflect only those 16 midi tracks?

Modify outputs and busses from the special menu. Click 'add' and 'replace existing', click the first checkbox directly under add, type in 16 next to it, select the MIDI port/device you want added from the popup next to 'outputs on port' and click 'OK'.

w wrote:And then if I add additional midi or audio tracks how do I get those into the mixing board?

Depending on how you create those tracks they may be added automatically but you can use the 'Modify outputs and busses' dialog to add them as well, just remember to unclick 'replace existing'.

w wrote:Is there a menu selection that will set the mixing board to be the same as the number of tracks that I just want to work with in the project?

No but this a good idea for a feature request in this forum.
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Postby Scoot » Sun Nov 27, 2005 2:18 am

If you just had a midi track with a couple of tracks and a drum track you can easily go to modify outputs and busses and starting at channel 1 add 10 outputs on the midi port........but make sure you've click the ADD box and if you want to start cleanly select the replace existing. You can also name them 'W's Quicktime' or whatever takes your fancy.

If you just had 1 midi track/port you could add more to it........just make sure you start the remaining ones added at channel 2 onward!

If you pull a VSTi into the mix before going into the modify outputs and busses dialog you can also allocate output(s) for the effect such as something like sampletank or absynth. Just choose it from the popup 'outputs on port'.

If you're happy with the final ports you have, you can go to the prefs and click SAVE and you will keep this arrangement for future sessions.
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Postby Jerm » Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:02 pm

Scoot wrote:If you pull a VSTi into the mix before going into the modify outputs and busses dialog you can also allocate output(s) for the effect such as something like sampletank or absynth. Just choose it from the popup 'outputs on port'.

You rarely will need to do this if you have the multitimbral setting of the plug-in set correctly in the plug-ins window. For example, if SampleTank is loaded and the multi-timbral setting is correct you will automatically get 16 channels for Sampletank.
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Postby w » Sun Nov 27, 2005 6:06 pm

OK, thanks for all the good information and also your time and patience with me.

Now let's me see if I can get it to work for me.
Posts: 134
Joined: Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:13 am

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