I have a MIDI setup that I use maybe once or twice a year. I don’t know very much about MIDI, just what I need to get by. Unfortunately, it seems like every time I go to use my system I have to figure everything out again.
I’m using Metro 4.5 on a G3 Titanium PowerBook, running OS 9, and OMS, connected to a Yamaha P-250. As far as I can tell, everything is connected correctly. I’m opening a file that uses 7 different channels (a different voice on each channel). It worked just fine 6 months ago, but now it appears to be sending everything to a single channel. In Metro it sure looks like it is set for 7 different channels, so perhaps the P-250 is not in poly mode or something. The first note plays with the correct instrument, but the rest of the notes appear to play with the last instrument sent to the P-250. So that would seem to suggest that there’s nothing wrong on the computer side. But I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find anything that appears to be set wrong on the P-250 (the manual is not much help).
As I said, I had this figured out before and now it’s driving me crazy that it doesn’t work. Does anyone out there have any suggestions for me?
Thanks a bunch.