Well folks, my studio proper is down for the rest of the year. Last week, it all went off to my mom's basement for safekeeping while we build our new house. In a few weeks, we move from our home of ten years to a crummy and tiny apartment, where there won't be any room for my gear. So it's all in storage, except that I was allowed to keep my JD-800 and the Mac.
Anyway, I'm going to make the best of the situation by spending the summer getting up to speed on some plug-ins. So, first I downloaded a copy of the 6.3 pre-release. I downloaded a copy of the AU version of Crystal, and I did the following: I assigned a MIDI track to Crystal, pencilled in some MIDI, and rendered it to an audio track. So far so good. I noted that after the render, it archived the original MIDI track.
I then assigned a second MIDI track to Crystal so that I could compose another track. However, I then noted that this second track didn't seem to be able to send any MIDI to Crystal; it didn't activate Crystal's waveform display, and I didn't see any audio coming back. The visual keyboard on the track graphic didn't send anything either. Nothing worked until I un-archived the first MIDI track. Then the second one started working. I have found that this is repeatable: archive the first track, the second one stops working. Un-archive the first track, the second one starts working again. The converse is not true, though; archiving the second track has no effect on the first one.
The question is: am I doing this right? If I already have an instance of Crystal in the Effects/Synths window of a track, can I simply assign a second track to the same output and expect it to work, or do I need to create a second instance of Crystal for the second track?