Any one here using VSamp with Metro ?

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Any one here using VSamp with Metro ?

Postby w » Fri Jul 23, 2004 2:27 pm

Yes ?


I need help getting it to work with Metro .

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Scoot » Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:11 pm

Works here.

Step 1
Downloaded the package and expanded it.

Placed the AU plugin in the components folder as the readme suggested

Step 3
Launch metro, either insert the vsamp plugin onto a track from the graphic editor window or from the plugins window dragged to the effects/synth window.

Step 4
Open the plugin with the edit button in the effects/synth window or from the window menu option at the bottomof the menu and choose an instrument/sample.

The chosen instrument is now available on the piano roll in the graphic editor.

Obviously under SE you would be limited as to how many of these different samples you could run on seperate tracks.

*UPDATE* - I just tried running VSamp AU on 2 tracks and it brought my G4 450 down to a grinding halt. The mouse was jumping all over the place and the multicoloured pinwheel showed its ugly face.
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Postby Scoot » Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:42 pm

As far as the app goes you could launch midikeys and then set vsamps prefs to allow OSX midi input from midikeys.

Install the trumpet sound onto location 1 and load the instrument onto midi channel 1.

Midikeys will now play the trumpet along its piano roll.

VSamp demo seems to have expired while writing this.
Relaunching it makes it quit.
The author needs the app to recognize the dock and avoid it.
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Postby w » Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:41 am


Many many thanks.

At last a break through thanks to Scoot.

I've been using VSamp since 1999 and thought it was an acceptable midi synth for its day . There have been many improvements in VSamp since it first came on the scene.

When it came to try using VSamp in OS X for some reason I was unable to figure out how to use it in a midi track in either Metro or DigitalPerformer.

I had the AU pluggin in the components folder and VST plugin in the VST folder and thought they should "pop up" for easy selection in any midi track as it does in Cubase ( pre-OS X ) .

Now getting back to OS X, I could "play" VSamp in RAX but when I selected a midi track in Metro or DigitalPerformer I had no idea how to select either the AU or the VST.

The instructions in the pdf for VSamp version 3.4.3 are not a simple step by step instruction list you provided.

I'm not at my studio at this moment and will follow your instructions later today.

Following your instructions for using VSamp AU I should now be able to make use of the other AU's I have.

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Postby Scoot » Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:51 pm

The plugin will install directly onto a track if you're in the graphic editor and you select it from the popup synth just wont open the editable settings unless you ask for it.....unless there's a key combination that opens it I don't know about. hint hint.

Personally soundfonts seem a little easier to use and take up less cpu than VSamp.....unless I'm missing something here again.
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Postby w » Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:35 pm

Scoot wrote:.......

Personally soundfonts seem a little easier to use and take up less cpu than VSamp.....unless I'm missing something here again.

I am such a duh when it comes to SoundFonts because I have had no success making it work in Metro SE.

I just downloaded the "free" SoundTank.

Is that using SoundFonts ?

Once again Scoot thanks for your time and patience in answering my questions.
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Postby Scoot » Sun Jul 25, 2004 12:58 am

Soundfonts are just sound samples whereas sampletank does have built in effects such as reverb and rotaty speaker and is more of a complete tool but costs.....though soundfonts can be readily downloaded from various sites off the net and reverb could be added by another plugin after it - a poor mans sampletank.

On the sagan link site there are a few websites that house soundfonts.
A really good one is hammersound -

Download a soundfont from the site. Avoid soundfonts that mention a site something like They are compressed and can only be expanded by a PC utility on a PC.

Ideally the soundfont downloaded will have a name and .sf2 at the end.

To use in Metro bring the plugin DLSMusicDevice onto a track and then click on the none button in the effects window to locate/load the downloaded soundfont.

Some of the soundfonts located in the collection folder/area are good enough to be replacements for an external synth and can have a whole range of instruments and drumkits in one file.

Scc1t2.sf2 in the collections area is only 3MB and is pretty impressive for its size. 8Rock11e.sf2 is 8MB and has slightly higher quality sounds.
If you were to just download a piano and it's very large, you could get multiple velocity settings and the sound could be awesome.
On the other hand you could download a 20MB beast and it sounds absolutely terrible.

Soundfonts are well worth looking into though.
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Postby w » Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:29 pm


Your explanation on SoundFonts is the best information I have read todate and certainly brings me closer to understanding SoundFonts. At last I am catching on .

If I've got this right, SoundFonts are what feeds the engine, a DLSMusicDevice, such as SampleTank.

SampleTank is much too pricy for me and I am only working with the "Free" version they just made availabe. No doubt they want to plant seeds for possable sales. Also, no doubt that "free" version will expire ( although they don't tell you that ) after some predetermined time. That's OK.

Do you have any recommendations for a a poor mans DLSMusicDevice ( share/freeware ) ?
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Postby Scoot » Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:01 am

Sampletank Free (as far as I know) does not expire. It's just limited in ways that you will find annoying.

The DLSMusicDevice Apple plugin - I'd consider as a shell to hold your download soundfonts to work with it.
Treat them as you would an external synth - create outputs for the DLSMusicDevice and then you have volume control and faders in the mixer window as you would for other outputs.

You can become a member of and grab soundfonts (.sf2 format) from there.

Heaps of instruments & toys to look at from these sites:
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Postby w » Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:34 am

Wow, those URLS sure have opened up the doors.

Thank you very much Scoot.

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Postby w » Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:38 pm

Yikes he's back.

Scoot just a little more help please:

Where exactly is that DLSMusicDevice Apple plugin in OS X ?

Would it be installed automatically by Panther installer or is it a downloadable plug I pick up at Apple ?
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Postby Scoot » Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:46 pm

DLSMusicDevice (or is it DSLMusicDevice hehehe) is in the plugins window.

If you have sorted the window by manufacturer it's under apple.
If you sort by plugin its under D for DLSMusicDevice.

Do command 9 and command zero to bring up the 2 windows in question.
Grab it from the plugins window and drag it to the effects window.
From there load the soundfont.

The graphic editor's piano roll will play the sounds.
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Postby w » Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:48 pm

So000, that's what those plug-ins are all about and that's how it's done to use them ( even using them in DigitalPerformer ) !!!! :oops:

( I bet it's in the manual ! )

Thank you very much Scoot. You should get an award from Sagantech for providing such excellent help.
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Postby Scoot » Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:51 pm

w wrote:Thank you very much Scoot. You should get an award from Sagantech for providing such excellent help.

I get free popcorn.
Shame I don't like popcorn stuck in my teeth. :lol:
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