joining waveform sections

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joining waveform sections

Postby Charlie_Butterworth » Thu May 27, 2004 1:39 pm

I have a classical guitar piece as a waveform and want to make a repeated section from an initial section of music (ie a DC or coda). I have managed to paste the repeated section, but get a slight "pop" at the junction.

How can this be prevented?

The reason for doing this is that in the original, the second section went off-tempo slightly, so maybe I could get a plug-in to change the tempo of the repeat (without changing pitch). The tempo change is very slight and likely would not be noticeable if the tempo was stretched a little.

Any ideas?

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Postby Jerm » Thu May 27, 2004 2:14 pm


It is easier to prevent pops at the end of the pasted section of audio using the full version by using cross-fade.

You do have other options though. Two that come to mind immediately would be:
• Switch the view of the audio track in the graphic editor to Volume. Then select the pencil tool and draw a line (hold down control to draw a straight line) so that the pop occurs at zero volume. Then draw a mirror image line going up after the pop.
• Use the audio fade command to fade out the audio directly before the pop and fade it in after the pop. Use zoom to zoom in to the sample level.

Notice that the pop is caused by an non-continuity in the waveform. So if the track is mono, a third option would be to drag the individual samples. This only works on mono audio tracks zoomed all the way in.
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Postby Charlie_Butterworth » Thu May 27, 2004 4:59 pm


Thank-you, I'll try the pencil trick and see what I can do.

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Location: Claremont, CA

Postby Scoot » Thu May 27, 2004 6:44 pm

If you are using OSX, you could have a play with speedster at this link here.

You download something called "Speedster.component" and you install it in the components folder at


read this thread for more info on getting it working

Once you calculate the stretch I suppose you will record it again onto another track and then replace the original with the new one.

Boy! Now you're an audio engineer! :wink:

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