movie txt

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movie txt

Postby françois » Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:50 pm

would it be possible to obtain a movie txt window different for each section.
I have 300 songs, and the lyrics pasted in the movie text window is always the same. and in the movie txt options, the scroll delay don't works ( could you tell me what means " clip to text box ) all the functions in the options don't work.


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Postby Jerm » Fri Apr 16, 2004 3:10 pm

The delay works but if you set it to a high value, like 5 seconds, then you will not see any scrolling text unless you apply it to a selection that is greater than 5 seconds.

From [url=]
Apple Developer Documentation on this[/url]

Does not scale the text if the track bounds increase.

Clips to the text box only. This is useful if the text overlays the video.

dfShrinkTextBoxToFit (Calculate Size)
Recalculates size of the textBox parameter to just fit the given text and stores this rectangle with the text data.

Scrolls the text in until the last of the text is in view.

Scrolls text out until the last of the text is out of view. If both dfScrollIn and dfScrollOut are set, the text is scrolled in, then out.

Scrolls a single line of text horizontally. If the dfHorizScroll flag is not set, then the scrolling is vertical.

If set, scrolls vertically down, rather than up. If not set, horizontal scrolling proceeds toward the left rather than toward the right.

If this flag is set, the text media handler lets new samples cause previous samples to scroll out. You must also set dfScrollIn or dfScrollOut, or both, for this to take effect.

If this flag is set, the text media handler lets horizontally scrolled text flow within the text box instead of extending to the right.

If this flag is set, the text media handler displays text with a drop shadow. If you use TextMediaSetTextSampleData (III-2083), the position and translucency of the drop shadow is under your application's control.

If this flag is set, the text media handler displays text with anti-aliasing. Note that although anti-aliased text looks smoother, anti-aliasing can slow down performance.

If this flag is set, the text media handler renders text over the background without drawing the background color. This technique is also known as "masked text."
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Postby françois » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:13 am

I don't understand what you mean, if I select 1 second or 7 second nothing is scrolling....

I can only select one text for all the songs, could it be possible to select one movie text for each song ?

thanks françois
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Postby Jerm » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:57 am

The Movie text window is only used to insert the text into a movie. It is not designed to be used for karaoke. You can have multiple movies in every song, each with different text, if that is what you are asking.
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Postby françois » Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:02 pm

in fact, what I need is to insert on stage a monitor with the lyrics scrolling with metro for the singers, I don't need to add movies, but only the text. I have all the lyrics in .doc / or appleworks files. Could you explain me step by step how can I do that please ?


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.pdf in movie track

Postby françois » Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:13 am

I tried to paste a .pdf file in a movie track and it works, but I have some problem to run it in the song, and if I paste 2 .pdf files the first is allways black untill the second comes....
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