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Postby elheilig » Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:55 am

I suspect I could find this information but I am paniced. I recorded a song into my AArdvard USB3 using Metro SE. Two seperate mics, checked "stereo" on the setup. Now the final export says I did not record in stereo. What gives? When you start a new file to record, do you have to re-set up the audio (stereo) parameters? If that is the case, then I probably screwed up by not doing so each take.

Thanks for the insight.
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Postby Jerm » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:18 pm

This depends on what version you have. Prior to 6.1 I believe the stereo check box in the digital audio dialog should be checked. After 6.1, the input select column of the tracks window selects whether the recording is stereo or not. It should default to the same value as last selected when new audio tracks are created. I am not precisely sure at which version, Metro started remembering the default setting. To be sure you can check the version history in the announcements section of this forum.

You can tell if you are about to record in stereo by looking at the vu meters in the tracks window corresponding to the record-enabled audio track.

If I am misunderstanding the problem, let me know.
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Postby elheilig » Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:03 pm

Thanks for your prompt response. I'll look at this tonight. BTW, how would I tell stereo input in the vu meters? That each mic registers? Or that it registers in more than one track?

SOrry for my inability to put this together.
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Re: TY

Postby Jerm » Tue Feb 10, 2004 6:36 pm

elheilig wrote:BTW, how would I tell stereo input in the vu meters? That each mic registers? Or that it registers in more than one track?

Stereo (two) VU meters will appear on the record-enabled track. If it is mono only a single mono vu meter will appear.
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Postby elheilig » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:50 pm

Was able to get everything set up and saw the 2 readings on the vu meter. Thanks. Now..., since input on the L mic is vocal only and the R mic guitar, is there a mixing or panning function on SE so I can balance the sound? I cannot find such a function in the help files. Or do I need to get a mixer that connects to the USB3?
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Re: Thanks

Postby Jerm » Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:11 pm

elheilig wrote:since input on the L mic is vocal only and the R mic guitar, is there a mixing or panning function on SE so I can balance the sound? I cannot find such a function in the help files. Or do I need to get a mixer that connects to the USB3?

You have several options presuming you are talking about after recording. Before recording you will have to use an external mixer to get a balance that you like. After recording you can simply assign an output to the track and use the (instruments) mixer window to adjust the balance on that output by changing the pan knob (which is a balance for stereo tracks). Alternatively, you could split the stereo tracks. Then you would have 2 independent tracks that you could pan individually using the above mentioned method.
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Postby Scoot » Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:52 pm

A couple of things spring to mind.

If you were to leave the stereo tracks together, just pan one to a 9 oclock position and one to a 3 oclock position. you have seperation and it's probably a little extremely so try 11 & 1 oclock.

Maybe leave the guitar together and split the vocal into 2 seperate tracks.
If you place these at 9 and 3 oclock, the vocal, sounds outside the guitar in a set of headphones.

Have a go at adding a reverb effect to the mix and if you can do it on the aux bus, (there is a pdf guide at Sagan about this in the downloads) you can add the reverb to both the vocal and guitar with varying amounts and it only takes up one effect space.

If you had a lot of patience (mixdown tracks to a fewer number) or upgraded to LX, you could use pan controls to create a very nice stereo drum kit to add to the mix.

Before recording.......just make sure your levels aren't peaking or clipping the sound and creating unwanted distortion, cause you can't remove that later.....and you can do your mixing, leveling and panning after recording.

have fun.

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Postby elheilig » Thu Feb 12, 2004 10:55 am

Thanks for all the great advice.

This seems like a great FAQ addition for Metro or Aadvard. No where did it state that the typical set up; mic and single line input was not "technically" stereo. All those good takes in mono down the drain.

I found that spitting the tracks works the easiest and then using the mix window. Way cool. Exporting as Quicktime file (sound to AIFF) goes smoothly into the Discribe burn software. Regular export does not. I'm ready to roll again!!
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Re: Thanks

Postby Jerm » Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:25 pm

elheilig wrote:No where did it state that the typical set up; mic and single line input was not "technically" stereo. All those good takes in mono down the drain.

I am not sure what you mean. It seems to be "technically" stereo.

elheilig wrote:I found that spitting the tracks....

Be careful when 'spitting' tracks, someone may have to cleanup that mess.:lol:

elheilig wrote:Exporting as Quicktime file (sound to AIFF) goes smoothly into the Discribe burn software. Regular export does not.

Please explain? Export track should work fine once you have mixed all your tracks together otherwise Mix Tracks to file is probably what you want.
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Postby elheilig » Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:44 pm

The resultant file from this setup using the USB3 is mono (single vu meter reading, unable to split tracks, Discribe burn software won't accept-it requires stereo, and does not sound like stereo when heard). When I asked the Aardvark tech people, that was their reply. Using the L/R line in gives true stereo input.

The "export" function makes a file that Discribe interprets as a data file, not an audio file. It interprets a Quicktime file as audio when I check the export option-save as Quicktime. Perhaps it makes no difference when I burn it-I am getting there soon.

I'll look at the mix tracks functions and see what happens.

Thanks again.
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Re: Thanks

Postby Scoot » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:17 pm

elheilig wrote:No where did it state that the typical set up; mic and single line input was not "technically" stereo.

I used to use a Boss Mixer with 16 inputs........all what I assume you call mono......though both meters on the mixer would display a reading left or right so it was outputing as a stereo sound.

With the two available inputs for effects, I could stick a reverb on to have something going on within the boring single mic output to give it some depth.

I would think the aardvark would work the same way or a reverb could be place before it and you may have to use 2 of the inputs at once.

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