Does Metro really work with Tascam 428?

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Does Metro really work with Tascam 428?

Postby jimtwister » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:54 pm

I have an 15" iMac, 512MB, 800MHz, G4, 10.2.8, Ta SCAM -428

Can Metro let me record 3 or 4 tracks of audio and 1 channel of midi at the same time. Preferably in OSX
I want to record guitar, bass, vocals,(audio) and a Roland TD-8 drum kit(Midi), Overdub, edit, mix, etc
I'm cheap(poor) and don't have funds for Pro tools, Logic, etc.

Thanx for any info

Postby Jerm » Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:34 pm

I would think that Metro can. Have you tried the demo? Others here have 428's so they can probably better answer this question.
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Postby GarySome1 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:35 pm

What you describe is the exact limit of what I believe you can do. Setting it up seemed a little tricky to me at first so I hope this will get you up & running.

In the TASCAM US-428 Manager
-Go to the system tab.
-Select "MIDI and audio enabled radio button under USB Bandwidth Usage.
-Select ABCD: US-428 under the Active Inputs section
-Go to the Setup tab.
-Make sure on th input monitor that none of the channels are muted and crank all their levels to the max (and I would suggest saving this as a snapshot).

In Metro:
-In the Setup menu, choose Digital Audio...
-Use Direct Support and choose TASCAM US-428
-Press the Device Options... button
-You will have no choice for Input Source (and that is OK)
-Assure TASCAM US-428 is chosen as the output device and that Output only mode is NOT checked.
-Set Record Left (Mono) to TASCAM US-4281
-Set Record Right to TASCAM US-4282, click OK
-In the Tracks window click on the down-pointing triangle to bring up the Display Options submenu and choose "Audio Record Input Select". This just added another column in your Tracks window. This column is where you choose which inputs will be recorded on which tracks.

As a (really cool) example, in this new column you can make a track record a stereo signal (say US-428 1 & 2) and two other tracks record in mono (one has US-428 3 and the other has US0-428 4). You must arm these tracks at the same time which is done by shift-clicking (if you want to record your MIDI channel at the same time, shift-click that track, too).

I think you will like the US-428/Metro setup!
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Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 7:12 pm

Postby Jerm » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:38 pm


Thanks!!!! :D
Posts: 2707
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 12:50 pm
Location: Massachusetts

Postby jimtwister » Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:26 am

Thanx for the advice and set-up.
I'll give the demo a whack.
BTW what version of the tascam driver are you using?

Postby GarySome1 » Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:34 am

Using tascam driver 3.2.3 with OS X 10.3.X (works well with all versions of Panther for me).

BTW, I have never used the US-428 with OS X 10.2.x.
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 7:12 pm

Postby jimtwister » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:41 pm

OK I tried the demo and got it to work (4 tracks of audio and one channel midi) with ease. Damn! Anyway, I thought i saw an on-going discussion about this elsewhere in the fourm, but, Will I be able to control the faders and the knobs of Metro with my 428's faders and knobs? Oh and play, stop, FF, etc.
It sounds dirty but I'd rather play with them than the mouse.
That's pretty much why I bought it.

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