Step record in Metro 5?

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Step record in Metro 5?

Postby RBlooz » Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:09 am

Is there a step edit/record feature in Metro 5? I just got the software and haven't found anything in the manual regarding this type of MIDI recording. Thanks in advance!
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Postby Scoot » Fri Jan 02, 2004 6:47 am

Step recording is pretty easy.

Just go to the graphic editor and click on the horizontal keyboard at the top to enter step recording mode.

Click where in the track you want to start step recording and this is where it will start from. (duh :wink: ).

Play a key (or three) on your device and the notes will appear in the graphic editor window and move along to the next step (governed by the note value selected in the graphic editor).

another easier way....

Select the pencil tool and click on the piano roll on the left running vertically and notes will appear that are governed by the note value selected.
To enter a rest just click on the rest button and the step will move on to the next.

(not that it's step recording but) you can just draw on the graphic editor window and if you don't like the note, click it again and it disappears.
(this may work in metro 5 too......I'm currently in OSX so I can't confirm it now).

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Postby RBlooz » Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:10 am

Thanks for the help! After I posted my question I found the Graphics Editor and realized it was a step record feature. You're right, it is pretty easy to use.
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Postby Scoot » Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:25 am

I was having a little play with step recording and I also recently grabbed a demo of slayer from

Using the 2 together you can easily make Van Halen leads even eddie would be impressed with. :lol:

And since it comes with a set of 16 effects it can also be used without the guitar on your other tracks.

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Postby braj » Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:35 am

I just checked Slayer2 out. It's pretty cool, but it doesn't have very good control of the arpaggiator speed. It would be cool if you could sync it to your sequences, or even a more granular adjustment with some value readout. What would also be cool is if it had a list of chords with alternate positions that you could set in a sequence. The Auto Chords attempts to be useful, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Still, it does sound pretty convincing.

Postby Scoot » Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:23 am

Give them your comment braj and they may do something with them for version 2.1 or 3.0.

My only complaint was how bad the acoustic sounds were but then again it is called slayer. :o So I can see why.
Maybe they should try and expand it's soundbank a little.

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starting point in the track

Postby Agent5Audio » Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:17 am

Here's my point:

Scoot wrote:Click where in the track you want to start step recording and this is where it will start from. (duh :wink: ).

But when you click "in the track", it doesn't snap to the nearest note value. How do you start step recording at exactly 2 1 000, or 48 3 480, etc...
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Postby Jerm » Tue Sep 14, 2004 9:27 am

It does snap if 'Note edit Quantizing' is on. Otherwise it is rather trivial to click directly in the bar header on the black bar marker to select a measure or between the ticks to select exactly on a beat.
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Postby Agent5Audio » Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:10 am

I see now. In the Switches menu, I thought 'Note Edit Quantizing Mode' was a single entry. I was only clicking on Mode and selecting Absolute vs. Relative. Now I got it and I'm liking it.

Thanks a lot!
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