I was in our equilvalent store to the US's radioshack I guess, when I spotted what looked to be a kids piano organ.......very plastic.....big green and purple buttons and mini speakers.
It was made in China, was called 'electronic organ' and had a small 4 octave 3/4 sized keyboard (which is why I thought it was a toy).
It had a midi out port , a LCD backlit screen and could do 8 part poly.
99 instruments and a couple of drumkits labeled under the keys.
I didn't listen to the quality.....it wasn't plugged in.
All this for $40 US!
Since it is just a little bit bigger than a mac keyboard I may get one to put just behind the keyboard on the pull out shelf on my desk. It's footprint is so much smaller than my Yamaha PSR and would be ideal for playing VSTi's in metro......and I wouldn't care if I killed a few of the keys on it by whacking out drumbeats.