by jason4100 » Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:25 pm
as i'm relatively new to MIDI i gotta say that i'm excited to see that there's a forum for the app i'm using, and i'm hoping that someone out there understands my problem. i've sucessfully loaded the instrumentation for my synth, a Yamaha CS6X, but i've got no idea how to get it to separate the instrumentation. i've got two tracks, both MIDI, and set one to a drum bank and the other to something like piano or there a way to play both of them a the same time? when i mute the drums, metro 5 sends the message to my synth to play the organ, and vice versa when i mute the organ. is there a way to have both of those play their assigned instruments each? or is that not really possible on the CS6X? if anyone can help me, i'd really appreciate it!!