Effects with Midi

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Effects with Midi

Postby hallhenry » Mon Jun 16, 2003 12:39 am

Excuse my learning curve if any of these questions are so obvious that i cannot figure out.

I was trying to add effects to my midi tracks but i did not hear any difference in sound after applying the effect.

Also, because I have the SE version, how many effects may i appyly to midi and how many to audio?

thanks....hallhenry :(
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Postby Scoot » Mon Jun 16, 2003 1:07 am

Can you tell us what you are adding and to what kind of midi track?

I know if soundfonts you can add reverb because it has the ability to do so and to vary the amount or take it off completely.....if you click on the edit button in the soundfont.

You can increase or decrease the reverb on quicktime instruments too.

You could record your midi tracks to audio and add effect to them after.

You cannot add effects to sounds from a external synth in the way you're probably trying to go about it.
If your external synth or module is capable of it........

- go to the setup menu and choose favourite controllers.
- make sure 91 'External Effects Depth' is on (Bold)
you could rename it reverb.
- go to the graphic editor and choose a midi track used on you synth or quicktime instruments with midi data on it.
- where is says NOTES in the window click and select Controller
- then choose the rename reverb or the original name External Effects Depth if you didn't change it.
- use the pencil tool and draw a few rough sine waves
- if you play you will hear the reverb amount increase and decrease with the wave.

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Postby hallhenry » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:07 am

I want to enhance some of the midi sounds I 'm using from the Quicktime synth. I'm slowly learning about the dls fonts. Meanwhile, how do I record all of my 12 midi tracks to audio to use the audio plugin effects? Also, is it possible to make an audio file from midi tracks without converting the tracks to audio?

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Postby Scoot » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:43 am

Well you can add the reverb to the quicktime instruments or change the instrument being played.
The dls fonts sound way better and if you have the CPU horsepower can replace your quicktime ones completely.

If you want to record the midi tracks to audio just setup an audio track to record and plug the mic and sound out on the mac together.
The system's volume would determine level and you can see if its peaking in the sections window.
If you record them all to one audio track then you can't individually change volumes. You could record them to seperate tracks but that would take time.
There is a quicker way to get the midi to audio and that is by using 'mix audio tracks' from the file menu and you don't have to connect the mic and sound out of the mac. It's quicker than recording the track to audio in real time. (takes a minute for 4 minutes on my 450Mhz Mac).

>Also, is it possible to make an audio file from midi tracks without converting the tracks to audio?

I don't know.

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Postby hallhenry » Sat Jun 21, 2003 3:23 pm

Hi Scooter:

thanks for all of yours and Jeremy's help.

About your last suggestion to change midi to audio, the file option "mix audio tracks" does note come up unless there is an exisiting audio track. My intention here is to mix my midi to audio like I used to on Cakewalk; i could do a lot on enhancing the cheezy sounds with audio plug ins....

Also concerning audio, does audio sync match up the metonome tempo with the audio and midi? Is it possible to "stretch" or enlongate a recorded or sampled track? :roll:

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Postby Scoot » Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:28 pm

There doesn't have to be an existing audio track.
I just turned a midi composition into audio last night.

All you do is go up into the modify outputs and busses and create some tracks for audio to go onto.....or if you already have some allocated just say add a new track and change it from a midi one to an audio one. :wink:

>stretch audio

There is a scale time option in the non SE version.

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Postby Jerm » Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:36 pm

I think the confusion is because he is using Internal ports (Quicktime musical instruments). The only to way to convert those to audio would be to export as MIDI, then import as an audio file and select the MIDI file. This is however not recommended because the audio quality is not good. Instead start using the DLS/Musicdevice (soundfont plugin) which can be easily converted to audio by mixing tracks and it works better and sounds better.

For more info, search this forum for 'soundfont'!
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Re: Effects with Midi

Postby Scoot » Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:48 pm

hallhenry wrote:Also, because I have the SE version, how many effects may i appyly to midi and how many to audio?

Sorry....I don't know if this ever got answered.

will supply you with all the info.

Here's the basics of what you asked for.....

Up to 4 audio tracks and 2 aux busses.
Up to 4 audio effects or 1 synthesizer type plug-in.

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