Thats my primary gripe about Metro in general:
The Mac HI has *always* been defined so that a mouse down in anything doesn't DO anything. The action always occurs when the mouse is *released* from the gizmo that has been clicked.
If you click, drag the mouse outside and release, nothing happends.
In metro lots of things happends on single clicks, and as a lifetime mac user I find it very annoying.
I already mentionned the numerical values that change immediately as you click, but there are many others, like that "SysEx Edit" modal dialog window that pops up if you make the mistake of single clicking a SysEx.
A Mac interface would involve:
+ Click the sysex
+ SysEx becomes hilited somehow. doesn't pop up anything
+ Select a menu item to "Edit SysEx"
+ Double click the SysEx, the popup appears
+ Control-Click the SysEx, a contextual menu appears with "Edit"
Allrighty, next week, I'll rant about the default buttons suposed to be on the RIGHT of the dialog boxes