Some enhancement wishes for the event editor. Nothing too fancy.
Should be quick and easy but would cut down editing time in the Event Editor easily multiple times.
A couple of suggestions to make the Event Editor easier and much faster to work with.
1) Modifier/Keycommand to select next/prior event in list. (like the bracket keys to select next/prev note in the regular editor)
2) Modifier/Keycommand to select same column in next row/prior row.
3) "return" after entering value selects same column in next row down.
4) allow tab/shift tab to jump to next row/line down, when end of current row/line is reached.
(Clicking around to select the next value for editing is honestly a bit silly, especially in a text based Event List. **Especially** with larger number of events.
Any of these suggestions would do it. Maybe someone has even a better idea. The basic idea is to make the Editor behave a bit more like a programming language editor
in terms of speed when locating and changing multiple values at multiple points in time....)
Thanks& best,