GarySome1 wrote:Any consideration for Fast Forward being a target as well?
Sorry for the delay.
Yes. Metro implements FF as a target. It also has Track +/- as a target as well as LED MIDI output targets.
To implement what you want for pan, I think all I need to do is have a target that is the track output volume and pan. This would look at the tracks output assignment and adjust that tracks pan and/or volume.
Also, I am thinking of adding a bank select option. Any suggestions on how this should be implemented would be very helpful. I already have the concept of modifiers. There is a shift modifier and 7 option modifiers that can be targets in remote control. The options toggle so perhaps having a way to select the a track + (optionN * v) would work where optionN is an option modifer (1 thru 7) and v is a user specified variable that is the size of the bank select.