by Jerm » Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:19 pm
If you have the full version (not SE or LX) you can automate any effect parameter that is published by the plug-in. Here is the process...
1. In the instrument MIXER window, enable record automation.
2. Open the plug-in/effect and press play or space bar to start Metro playing (this start automation recording).
3. Move faders, knobs and other widgets.
4. Press stop. Record automation is automatically disabled upon stop.
You now have automation that is viewable in the graphic editor. Select the track or aux buss that contains the effect tweaked in step 3 above. Select the particular effect from the graphic editor titlebar. Now when you click on the parameter list for that effect any parameter that was modified will have an '*' at the end of its name indicating that automation data exists for that parameter.
Now if you have a choice it is better to record automation as MIDI controllers because this process is sample accurate. Changing parameters can not be performed within one audio packet size with effect automation but can with MIDI controllers.