Mixing DLSMusicDevice

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Mixing DLSMusicDevice

Postby jukehouse » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:52 am

I noticed that if I mix a midi track with audio tracks, using Sample Tank as the midi sound source, the midi track ends up in the mix exactly as I had it dialed up on the Mixer window.

However, when I do the same using the DLSMusicDevice as the midi sound source, rather than Sample Tank, the midi track doesn't show up in the mix.

What am I doing wrong or ...................
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Postby Jerm » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:46 am

It should work the same. Do you get sound from the DLSMusicDevice if you just playback?

Note that mixing does not follow master fader automation so make sure the master fader is set correctly.
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Postby jukehouse » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:52 am

Yeah, it plays back as it should.

Sometime the DLSMusic Device shows up at the output of other tracks on the Mixer Window in addition to the track I have it assigned to.

I dont know what you mean by:
"Note that mixing does not follow master fader automation so make sure the master fader is set correctly."
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Postby Jerm » Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:05 am


email me the metro document for a looksie....
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Postby jukehouse » Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:22 am

Tell me again how to do that.
Save as portable Bundle ?
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Postby Jerm » Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:56 am

No, just save and email me the document.
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DLS Again

Postby jukehouse » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:24 am

So I went back and reinserted the DLS Music Device and, as you suggested, I routed it thru an Aux Bus.

It worked just fine that way ! (showed up in the mix)

But I noticed that before routing it to the Aux Bus it again showed up in the Mixer window at both the output I Assigned it to and the output of another track (an audio output for a vocal track). I could get it out of the audio track by going to the Graphic Editor window and reselecting DLS Music Device as the output (although it showed up as already selected) but each time I restarted the track from the beginning I had to go thru this same procedure agagin. I also noticed that now this same thing is happening with Sample Tank.

Any ideas ?
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Re: DLS Again

Postby Jerm » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:51 am

jukehouse wrote:I noticed that before routing it to the Aux Bus it again showed up in the Mixer window at both the output I Assigned it to and the output of another track (an audio output for a vocal track).

I have no idea what you mean here. Please clarify. "Showed up in the mixer window at"?

jukehouse wrote:I restarted the track from the beginning

How do you restart a track?
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Postby jukehouse » Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:42 pm

See if I can be more clear

The output of the DLS Music Device (or Sample Tank 2, whichever I happen to choose) outputs from a channel in the Mixer Window called DLS Music Device 1 (thats where it shows up when you assign the DLS Music Device to the midi track in question on the Graphic Editor Window) AND the sound of the DLS Music Device also outputs from the Channel in the Mixer Window that I named VOCAL and assinged my vocal track to. The DLS Music Device just kinda shows up there. And yes the vocal shows up in the Channel named VOCAL in the mixer window as it should.

I can make it (the DLS Music Device output) go away from the Vocal Track in the Mixer Window by going back to the midi track in the Graphic Editor Window and choosing DLS Music Device 1 from the pulldown called PORT (although when I open that pulldown, DLS Music device 1 already appears to be chosen but I have to rechoose it to eliminate the DLS Music Devive from channel named VOCAL in the Mixer Window).

Make any sense now ?

Rather than saying "restarting the track from the beginning" I should have said that each time "I go back to the beginning of the song" I have to reset PORT on the Graphic Editor Window to DLS MusicDevice on the midi track in question just as I described above to eliminate the DLS Music Device from the VOCAL track in the Mixer Window
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Postby Jerm » Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:21 pm

Okay I think I understand.

The problem is most likely due to a minor bug in Metro 6.x. I think it is fixed in 6.2.5. What happens is that when you instantiate the plug-in on a track (non aux) the softsynth outputs to a fader that already exists rather than creating a new fader to output to. If this happens the easy fix is to go to the effects window and change the output to a new audio fader.

Remember that soft-synths instantiated as a track-insert will have at least two outputs. One to the soft-synth and one from the soft-synth to the audio mixer channel. Optimally this audio mixer channel will be unique to the section. There are some case where you may want to route more than one audio track or softsynth to the same fader (audio metro-output-channel) but usually not.

It is also important to make sure that all of the metro-outputs that are audio have unique channels. If a color bar appears automatically that means that they are grouped and/or have the same channels assigned. In the latter case it may be best to delete the duplicate audio faders that are not in use.
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Postby jukehouse » Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:31 pm

You said "It is also important to make sure that all of the metro-outputs that are audio have unique channels."

Do the numbers assigned to outputs on the Mixer Window need to match any other number (e.g. Track number in the Graphic Editor window, etc)

Oh and by the way, this is Metro 6.2.5 I'm using so apparently the bug is not fixed in this version
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Postby Jerm » Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:44 pm

jukehouse wrote:Do the numbers assigned to outputs on the Mixer Window need to match any other number (e.g. Track number in the Graphic Editor window, etc)

No. The only number thing that may matter is that the audio channel is unique.

jukehouse wrote:this is Metro 6.2.5 I'm using so apparently the bug is not fixed in this version

Yes you are right. I went back and checked and there were still problems in 6.2.5 regarding finding a unique audio channel upon plug-in instantiation of a track-insert. This is fixed in 6.3!
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