Are there conditions where Metro will automatically archive a track? I'm guessing maybe as a function of running out of RAM.
I am working on a song that has ~14 tracks (7 stereo) going at any time. It is made up of a main song section (call it section 1) that has 2 tracks. The first track is made up of many sub-sections which all contain only audio tracks. The second track is an audio track sparsely populated with a few riffs.
If I play the song section the second track appears to automatically archive maybe 1 or 2 second into playing and the audio gets gets glitchy across the whole song. If I unarchive the track it will auto archive again the next time I play the song. If I play any other section on its own (say section 2) everything seems fine.
G5 dual 2.0, 512MB RAM, the project file is about 350MB if I save it as a package.