I am currently trying to route audio out through the sound card as well as having the capability to route through the computer speakers.
I am able to get the sound that I have brought in through the audiophile to route through the analog 1/2 bus but I cannot get the sound to go through the computer speakers.
Also, I am unable to get audio of different types to come out through the same output devise. Meaning, Audio & Analog 1/2 will not come through the same output at the same time
For example. audio that I imported as a wav will come out through the computer speakers. Audio that I record in through the audiophile device will not ouput through the speakers but will route through the audiphile.
When I did switch the wav file to output through the audiophile sound card, I lost control of the output of the signal I brought in through the sound card. In otherwords, one type of audio or the other will play but not both. I have spent all day on this. Please help.