How can I do submixes?

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How can I do submixes?

Postby DMorrell » Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:57 am

Hello gurus,

Is there a way to do submixes that I haven't found yet? Here's a scenario:

I have seperate Violin 1, 2, Viola, Cello and Bass tracks. I have an EQ setting specific for the Violas (-70 db high shelf at 40 hz *smirk*) that I don't want applied to any of the other strings.

I would like to then have the strings mixed together and routed to an Aux buss, so that I can apply another EQ setting to the entire strings stem. Is this possible?

I know I can group the individual channel faders, so the faders will treat the levels like a submix, but then I can't apply single plugins to affect that whole group.

I know how to use the aux sends for each individual channel to create a parallel processing path, which is suitable for additive processing - verbs, delays, etc. But this signal flow won't work well for "insert"-type processing - think EQ, gates, compressors, etc, because the output of the individual channels also still goes directly to the main buss.

I know I can set up a parallel path as described above as pre-fader sends to aux and then pull the faders to main, but then I lose the specific viola EQ plugin as I would by just grouping the faders.

What I'd really like is the ability to disconnect the post-fader post-plugin output of my individual string tracks from the main buss, and connect them instead to the summing inputs of an aux channel. Then, I can apply plugins to the aux channel and have its output feed into the main buss.

Any suggestions?

ps - quick but gigantic kudos to Jeremy. I first got Metro back in the mid 90's (I think), back when it was "merely" the most powerful, yet intuitive, MIDI sequencer I've ever used - the next evolution that Master Tracks Pro never reached. It's been my composing tool of choice ever since, and the support (from Jeremy personally, no less) has been over the top. Thank you again!
Happy Metro User since... umm.. somewhere in the 1990s.
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Re: How can I do submixes?

Postby Jerm » Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:35 pm

Hello Dean and welcome to the forum.

DMorrell wrote:I have seperate Violin 1, 2, Viola, Cello and Bass tracks. I have an EQ setting specific for the Violas (-70 db high shelf at 40 hz *smirk*) that I don't want applied to any of the other strings.
I would like to then have the strings mixed together and routed to an Aux buss, so that I can apply another EQ setting to the entire strings stem. Is this possible?

If I understand the question correctly then the answer is yes. It does depend on where the source data is coming from though. If the strings are audio files or individual plug-ins then yes. If they all come from different channels of one instance of a plug-in (e.g. Kontakt) then you will need to make sure they are output on separate outputs. The answer is still yes.

DMorrell wrote:I know how to use the aux sends for each individual channel to create a parallel processing path, which is suitable for additive processing - verbs, delays, etc. But this signal flow won't work well for "insert"-type processing - think EQ, gates, compressors, etc, because the output of the individual channels also still goes directly to the main buss.

For insert processing you can simply place another plug-in in the chain. Or on the output itself.

DMorrell wrote:I know I can set up a parallel path as described above as pre-fader sends to aux and then pull the faders to main, but then I lose the specific viola EQ plugin as I would by just grouping the faders.

I don't understand what you are saying here.

DMorrell wrote:What I'd really like is the ability to disconnect the post-fader post-plugin output of my individual string tracks from the main buss, and connect them instead to the summing inputs of an aux channel. Then, I can apply plugins to the aux channel and have its output feed into the main buss.

If I understand this question, I think what you want to do is set the fader to pre-fader, turn the volume to zero on the main and turn the aux send volume up.
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Re: How can I do submixes?

Postby DMorrell » Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:48 am

Jerm wrote: DMorrell wrote:
I know I can set up a parallel path as described above as pre-fader sends to aux and then pull the faders to main, but then I lose the specific viola EQ plugin as I would by just grouping the faders.

I don't understand what you are saying here.

Jerm wrote:If I understand this question, I think what you want to do is set the fader to pre-fader, turn the volume to zero on the main and turn the aux send volume up.

We're actually describing the same process here, but I wasn't clear.

The reason this doesn't work for me: sending to Aux pre-fader also sends it pre-plugin. So the EQ plugin that I use for the violas will no longer get applied. I know I could use an EQ plugin in the aux, but then it would apply to all the strings, not just the violas. I need that EQ applied to the violas before they get summed into the aux buss.
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Re: How can I do submixes?

Postby Jerm » Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:41 am

DMorrell wrote:The reason this doesn't work for me: sending to Aux pre-fader also sends it pre-plugin. So the EQ plugin that I use for the violas will no longer get applied. I know I could use an EQ plugin in the aux, but then it would apply to all the strings, not just the violas. I need that EQ applied to the violas before they get summed into the aux buss.

I still don't know if the viola is a separate plug-in, audio file or what. The way to do it is to place the EQ on the track with the Viola before it goes to the aux buss. This can be done either by placing the EQ plug-in directly on the track or on the output that is sent to the aux buss. Then place the other strings on a different track or output.
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Re: How can I do submixes?

Postby DMorrell » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:14 am

AAAH! dawns the light...

I had assumed that the plugin control in the Tracks window, and the plugin control in the Instrument Mixer window, both point to the same instantiation of plugin. So I hadn't realized that I can insert a plugin via the Tracks window that gets processed even before the signal hits the Output Channel in the mixer. So when I did that, it all worked as desired, and I've got my submix how I want it - thank you!

I appreciate your patience in explaining it to me until it caught hold. :D

Thanks again,
Happy Metro User since... umm.. somewhere in the 1990s.
Posts: 19
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