Editing the color-scheme...

No questions asked!

Editing the color-scheme...

Postby Lytz1 » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:35 pm

In an older release note (for 7.2) I saw this:

System for users to create color schemes directly from a .msty file

As there is no .msty file on my system, I guess this has to be created from scratch?
Is there more info somewhere on how to change the color scheme?

(only thing I've found so far: a lot of .png & .jpg files in the Metro.app/Contents folder. Not sure if I want to mess around with these though.
I am mainly interested in changing the background color for Track & Graphic Editor, not sure if this is possible?)

Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:21 pm

Re: Editing the color-scheme...

Postby Jerm » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:10 am

We are not providing support for this but if you want to give it a go here is a .msty file that you can try messing with. Just save it as a file with a .msty extension and place it "Sagan Technology" folder which is located in what apple calls 'kApplicationSupportFolderType' which may vary from OS to OS but is defined as "kApplicationSupportFolderType: Specifies the Application Support folder in the System Folder." This file is from the PC but I think it should work on the Mac too. If not let me know. Also if you come up with a cool style send it back to me to share with others.

MetroColorScheme "BasedOnSharpGray"
RSID Window color table Res ID = 700
RSID Window clut Res ID = 0
RSID Transport Pict ID 502 = "Transport.jpg"
RSID Transport Pict Hilite ID 164 = "Transport_selected.jpg"
RSID Tracks Control Start Icon ID (3) = 0
RSID Graphic Edit Control Pict ID = "GraphicEditorControl.jpg"
RSID Graphic Edit Continuous Control Pict ID = "curves.jpg"
RSID GE Background pattern ID = 0
RSID GE Background pattern Selected ID = 0
RSID Track Window Background pattern ID = 0
RSID Instrument Window Background pattern ID
RSID EFX Background pattern ID
RSID Track Window Selected Background Pattern ID // 3913
RSID Tracks Overview Pattern ID //228, 3114
RSID EFX Row Background Pattern ID = 14153
RSID GE Toolbar Background Pattern ID
RSID Slider Knob Icon ID
RSID Slider Track Icon ID
RSID SliderKnob Selected Icon ID
RSID Piano Icon ID was 4100
RSID Pan Knob Icon ID
RSID Track Window color table ID = 0
RSID Fader Strip Pict ID = "mixer_strip.png"
RSID FaderStrip BW Pict ID
RSID Master Fader Pict ID = "master_fader_strip.png"
RSID Master Fader BW Pict ID
RSID EFX Fader Pict ID = "efx_fader_strip.png"
RSID EFX Pan Knob Pict ID = 0
WB01 Has Instrument Rects = 1
WB01 Data Fields are LED (green text) = 0
WB01 Use Mac Controls For Automation In instruments Window
WB01 Use Mac Controls for Buttons In instruments Window
WB01 Instrument Channel Rect is LED
WB01 Frame Track Overviews = 0
WB01 3Dize Track Overviews = 0
WB01 Extend Track movable lines = 1
WB01 Has transport rects = 1
WB01 Graphic Editor Marker Rect is 3D = 0
WB01 Track Draw Disable SubSection Rect
WB01 Graphic Editor Picture is Not invertable
WB01 Have Partial Transport Rects
WB01 Has Master VU = 1
WB01 RC Draw Separator
WB01 Invert Transport RulerArrows = 1
RSID VU Pict ID = "mixer_vu.png"
RSID Clip Icon (off, on is off + 1)
RECT Instrument -- PortRect = (77, 4, 97, 78)
RECT ChanRect = (100, 4, 120, 78)
RECT BankRect = (123, 4, 143, 78)
RECT Pgm Rect = (146, 4, 166, 78)
RECT Pan Data Rect = (169, 47, 189, 78)
RECT Pan Rect = (171, 6, 187, 42)
RECT Pan Detect Rect = (171, 6, 187, 42)
RECT Vol Data Rect = (196, 4, 216, 56)
RECT Mute Rect = (409, 35, 429, 55)
RECT Solo Rect = (409, 58, 429, 78)
RECT Slider Track Rect = (221, 6, 335, 22)
RECT Clip Rect = (196, 59, 211, 78)
RECT VURect = (220,28,368,55)
RECT Snap Shot Rect = (117,5,140,44)
RECT Mixer panic All Notes Off Rect = (270, 4, 290, 72)
RECT Local Control Off Rect
RECT Local Control On Rect
RECT Mixer Aux Control Rect = (27, 4, 47, 72)
RECT EFX PanKnob Ctl Rect = (4, 3, 23, 48)
RECT Mixer Group Color Rect = (433, 1, 442, 81)
RECT Graphic Editor Control Rect
RECT Track Info Rect = (6, 6, 26, 88)
RECT Track Zoom Popup Rect = (6, 205, 26, 258)
RECT Track Snap Popup Rect = (6, 152, 26, 202)
RECT Track Select All Rect = (6, 91, 26, 149)
RECT Track Control Rect (3d around popup icons) = (0, 0, 32, 3000)
RECT Track Subsection Rect = (8, 265, 27, 375)
RECT EFX Pan Rect = (0, 0, 24, 32)
RECT Instrument Aux EFX Rect = (51, 7, 67, 41)
RECT Mixer VU Rect L = (220, 28, 368, 41)
RECT Mixer VU Rect R = (220, 42, 368, 55)
RECT kTransportTimeLineRect = (37, 109, 49, 292)
RSID Snapshot Icon (off, on is off + 1)
DWRD Distance From Top of EFX Fader = 18
DWRD Height Of Aux Fader = 301
DWRD Height of Master Fader = 0
RECT Transport Location 1 Rect = (29, 443, 49, 463)
RECT Transport Location 2 Rect = (29, 466, 49, 488)
RECT Transport Location 3 Rect = (29, 489, 49, 509)
RECT Transport Location 4 Rect = (29, 512, 49, 532)
RECT Transport Internal Sync Rect = (6, 829, 26, 939)
RECT Transport Count off Rect = (29, 829, 49, 939)
RECT Transport MIDI Thru Rect = (29, 570, 49, 730)
RECT Transport Ruler Rect
RECT Transport Small Zoom Rect = (0, 106, 55, 389)
RECT Transport Play Rect = (6, 202, 34, 230)
RECT Transport Stop Rect = (6, 233, 34, 261)
RECT Transport Record Rect = (6, 171, 34, 199)
RECT Transport Return Rect = (6, 109, 34, 137)
RECT Transport Cue Rect = (6, 140, 34, 168)
RECT Transport FF Rect = (6, 264, 34, 292)
RECT Transport Staff Rect
RECT Transport Tempo Data Rect = (6, 671, 26, 708)
RECT Transport Hilight Rect = (0, 0, 55, 945)
RECT Transport BBC Rect = (7, 297, 26, 386)
RECT Transport Time Rect = (30, 297, 49, 386)
RECT Transport Punch In Rect = (6, 735, 26, 805)
RECT Transport Metronome Rect = (29, 735, 49, 805)
RECT Transport Set Location Rect = (6, 443, 26, 532)
RECT Transport Record Loop Rect = (29, 391, 49, 438)
RECT Transport Cue Loop Rect = (6, 391, 26, 438)
RECT Transport Tempo Door Rect = (6, 710, 26, 730)
RECT Transport Staff Door Rect = (0, 0, 0, 0)
RECT Transport PunchIn Door Rect = (6, 805, 26, 824)
RECT Transport Metronome Door Rect = (29, 805, 49, 824)
RECT Transport Tempo L Arrow Rect
RECT Transport TempoR Arrow Rect
RECT Transport Orig Tempo Data Rect = (6, 584, 26, 621)
RSID Transport Tempo Slider Icon ID
RSID Rec Loop Selected Pict ID
RSID Cue Loop Selected Pict ID
RSID Cue Set Selected Pict ID
RSID Punchin Selected Pict ID
RSID Metronome Selected Pict ID
RSID Cue Selected Pict ID
RSID Mute Selected Pict ID
RSID Solo Selected Pict ID
RSID GE Note Control Selected Pict ID = "GraphicEditorControlSelected.jpg"
DWRD GE Top Menu Position (y) = 0
DWRD GE X Offset to Picture = 0 //2
DWRD TE Gap in 3D Rects = -1
RSID Section Header Background pattern ID
RSID RC Header Background ID = 228
RSID ReservedPatternID2
RSID ReservedPatternID3
RSID Treble Clef Distance Before Staff Rect = 20
DWRD Transport Width (0 is default) = 945
DWRD Transport Height (0 is Default) = 55
RSID Aux Fader Picture ID = "aux_fader_strip.png"
RSID EFX Power Icon ID Pair = 303
RSID Efx Bypass Icon Pair = 4110
RSID EFX Icon Pair width and Height = 7
RSID EFX Boolean Type Icon Pair = 153
RSID Instrument Aux EFX PictID = 169
DWRD Instrument X Offset If No Aux Busses = -14
BB01 Don’t Draw Slider Right 3D border
BB01 SnapShotIcon Built In = 1
BB01 One Transport Select Picture = 1
BB01 Don't draw transport staff = 1
BB01 msTransportTimeBottomAlign
BB01 msHasTrackTitleBackgroundColor = 1
BB01 msBudislaveStyle = 1
BB01 msEFXSliderIncludesBorder = 1
DBYT Nominal Track Icns Size
RSID SectionPictID = "section_header_control.png"
RSID Strip Stereo Pict ID
ST31 msGEControlFontName = "Arial"
ST31 msTransportTimeFontName
ST31 msDefaultUserFontName = "Arial"
DBYT msTransportTimeYFineAdjust = 2
BB01 msGEChannelIsNotPopup = 1
BB01 msGEBorderOnGridLines = 1
BB01 msUseMetroScrollBars = 1
BB01 msTrackBarHeaderFontIsNotBold = 1
BB01 msSetTrackHeightToTrackHeaderHeight = 1;
BB01 msSectionHeaderControlsAreLeftJustified = 1;
BB01 msMixerControlsOnLeft = 1
BB01 msMixerMainsAlwaysVisible No Page Switching = 1
RSID msAboutSplashID = "about.jpg"
RECT msAboutVersStringRect = (404, 308, 464, 499)
RECT msAJermPictRect
RECT msACopyrightYearRect = (228, 172, 257, 251)
RECT msAboutSaganBizUIRect = (217, 308, 246, 447)
RECT msAboutSalesUIRect = (274, 308, 304, 453)
RECT msAboutInfoAtSaganBizRect = (332, 308, 362, 447)
RSID msMarkerPlayPict = 11573
RSID msFaderKnobPictID = "fader_knob.png"
RSID msMixerMIDIStripPictID = "mixer_strip_midi.png"
DWRD msMixerAdditionalY extra vertical space added to fader pict
DWRD msMixerIndent = 75
DWRD msMixerXSpaceBetweenMainAndAux = 8
DWRD msMixerHeaderLine1Y = 73
DWRD msMixerHeaderLine2Y = 192
RECT msMixerNameRect = (372, 4, 406, 78)
RECT msMixerkAutomationPlayCtrl = (341, 4, 361, 72)
RECT msMixerkAutomationRecordCtrl = (364, 4, 384, 72)
RECT msMixerkSnapshotCtrl = (293, 4, 313, 72)
RECT msMixerInsertOutput = (412, 4, 432, 72)
RECT msMixerInsertAux = (435, 4, 455, 72)
RECT msMixerAutomation Static = (318, 4, 338, 71)
RECT msMixerInsertNew Static = (389, 4, 409, 71)
RECT msMixerAuxSends Static = (4, 4, 24, 72)
RECT msMixerAuxPan Static = (50, 29, 70, 72)
RECT msMixerPrePostRect = (4, 4, 24, 48)
RECT msMixerSendVolumeDataRect = (4, 51, 24, 78)
RECT msMixerSendVolumeSliderRect = (29, 6, 45, 76)
RECT msMixerSendPanSliderRect = (52, 6, 68, 42)
RECT msMixerSendPanDataRect = (50, 47, 70, 78)
RECT msMixerIDRect = (409, 4, 429, 32)
DWRD msSTopMargin = 32
DWRD msBottomMargin = 32
DWRD msSeqDistFromLeft = 6
RECT msSectionHeaderRect; = (6, 75, 26, 182)
RECT msSectionsTotalRemainRect = (-26, 6, 20, 80)
DWRD msSeqFooterXPos = -49
DWRD msSeqFooterYPos = -26
RECT msSectionsAddNewRect = (-26, -49, -6, -29)
RECT msSectionsDeleteRect = (-26, -26, -6, -6)
RECT msSectionsAutoPlayRect = (6, 6, 26, 26)
RECT msSectionsAutoAdvRect = (6, 29, 26, 49)
RECT msSectionsTimOptRect = (6, 52, 26, 72)
DWRD msBudiSectionColorSwatchStart = 0
DWRD msBudiSectionColorSwatchEnd = 22
DWRD msBudiSectionNumberStart = 27
DWRD msBudiSectionNumberEnd = 47
DWRD msBudiSectionNameStart = 50
DWRD msBudiSectionNameEnd = -77
DWRD msBudiSectionTimeStart = -74
DWRD msBudiSectionTimeEnd = -5
RECT msTrackDownTriangleRect = (37, 6, 57, 27)
DWRD msTrackColorStartX = 0
DWRD msTrackColorEndX = 11
DWRD msTrackNoX = 16
DWRD msTrackRecX = 39
DWRD msTrackMuteX = 62
DWRD msTrackSoloX = 85
DWRD msTrackLoopX = 108
DWRD msTrackNameX = 131
DWRD msTrackBarsX = 234
DWRD msTrackOutputsX = 271
DWRD msTrackBankX = 356
DWRD msTracPgmX = 394
DWRD msTrackQuantizeX = 498
DWRD msTrackTranposeX = 535
DWRD msTrackVelocityX = 562
DWRD msTrackInputSelectX = 596
DWRD msTrackPlugInX = 716
DWRD msTrackLevelsX = 782
DWRD msTrackHeaderHeight = 31
DWRD msTrackDataYPos = 62
DWRD msGEMinimumWidth = 298
DWRD msGEUniformPianoPictureOctaveHeight = 60
DWRD msGEUniformPianoPictureOctaveWidth = 34
RSID msGEWarningPictResID = "warning.png"
RSID msGENoWarningsPictResID = "nowarnings.png"
RSID msGELoopStartPictureResID = "loop_start.png"
RSID msGELoopEndPictureResID = "loop_end.png"
RSID msGEZoomCtlPictureResID = "zoom.jpg"
RSID msGESubsectionReturnPictureResID = "zoom_selected.jpg"
RSID msGESubsectionReturn = "subsectionreturn.png"
DWRD msGEZoomCtlX = -49
DWRD msGEZoomCtlY = 6
DWRD msGEControlFontSize = 11
DWRD msGEControlFontNumber -- Leave this field alone
DWRD msDefaultUserFontSize = 11
DWRD msUseGEFontForTransportAtThisSize = 11
DWRD msUseGEFontForMixerAtThisSize = 11
DWRD msMixerMaxSize = 12
DWRD msUseTransportTimeFontSize = 14
RSID msNoteCtlLineSelectedPictID = "line_selected.jpg"
RSID msNoteCtlCurveSelectedPictID1 = "curve_left_selected.jpg"
RSID msNoteCtlCurveSelectedPictID2 = "curve_right_selected.jpg"
RSID msPopupPictID = "popupIcon.png"
RSID msTrackZoomPictID = "tzoom.jpg"
RSID msTrackSnapPictID = "snap.jpg"
RSID msTrackAllPictID = "all.jpg"
RSID msSeqFooterPictID = "section_footer.png"
RSID msScrollBarLeftPictID = "scrollleft.png"
RSID msScrollBarRightPictID = "scrollright.png"
RSID msScrollBarUpPictID = "scrollup.png"
RSID msScrollBarDownPictID = "scrolldown.png"
RSID msScrollBarZoomInPictID = "tplus.png"
RSID msScrollBarZoomOutPictID = "tminus.png"
RSID msScrollBarGrowPictID = "tgrow.png"
DWRD msTrackTitleBarColorSwatchX = 4
DWRD msTrackTitleBarColorSwatchWidth = 20
DWRD msTrackTitleBarNameX = 27
DWRD msTrackTitleBarNameWidth = 198
RECT msTrackTitleBarRecordRect = (3, 228, 23, 248)
RECT msTrackTitleBarMuteRect = (3, 251, 23, 271)
RECT msTrackTitleBarSoloRect = (3, 274, 23, 294)
RECT msTrackTitleBarLoopRect = (3, 297, 23, 317)
DWRD msTrackTitleBarNumBarsX = 320
DWRD msTrackTitleBarNumBarsWidth = 34
DWRD msTrackTitleBarViewX = 357
DWRD msTrackTitleBarViewWidth = 219
DWRD msTrackTitleBarOuputSelectX = 579
DWRD msTrackTitleBarOutputSelectWidth = 179
DWRD msTrackTitleBarSynthSelectX = 761
DWRD msTrackTitleBarSynthSelectWidth = 179
DWRD msTrackTitleBarZoomX = -63
DWRD msTrackTitleBarZoomWidth = 20
DWRD msTrackTitleBarCloseX = -40
DWRD msTrackTitleBarCloseWidth = 20
DWRD msTrackTitleBarDraggableX = -17
DWRD msTrackTitleBarDraggableWidth (0 means calculate x and width based on system scroll bars) = 0
RSID msTrackTitleBarDraggableResID = "draggable.png"
RECT msEETrackRect = (0, 6, 1, -209)
RECT msEEGotoStatic = (0, -205, 1, -147)
RECT msEEGotoEdit = (0, -147, 1, -113)
RECT msEEInsertPopup = (0, -110, 1, -57)
RECT msEEFilterPopup = (0, -54, 1, -5)
RECT msEEStatics = (1, 6, 2, 118)
RECT msSETimeSigStatic = (0, 6, 1, 66)
RECT msSETimeSigNum = (0, 66, 1, 86)
RECT msSETimeSigDenom = (0, 87, 1, 107)
RECT msSEKeySigStatic = (0, 110, 1, 162)
RECT msSEKeySig = (0, 162, 1, 191)
RECT msSEMajorMinor = (0, 190, 1, 231)
RECT msSELoopButton = (0, 234, 1, 254)
RECT msSETempoStatic = (0, 257, 1, 304)
RECT msSETempo = (0, 304, 1, 341)
RECT msSEInsertPopup = (0, 344, 1, -6);
RECT msSEStatics = (1, 6, 2, 118)
RSID msRemoteControlPictID = "rcpass.png"
RECT msTransportTimeSignatureRect = (7, 67, 25, 103)
RECT msTransportKeySignatureRect = (30, 67, 48, 103)
RECT GE Arrow Tool = (6, 129, 26, 149)
RECT kNERPencilTool = (29, 129, 49, 149)
RECT kNERKeyboardTool = (6, 175, 26, 195)
RECT kNERForcepsTool = (29, 175, 49, 195)
RECT kNERVelocityTool = (29, 198, 49, 218)
RECT kNERDragBarTool = (6, 152, 26, 172)
RECT kNERSprayTool = (29, 152, 49, 172)
RECT kNECurveTool1 = (29, 175, 49, 195)
RECT kNECurveTool2 = (29, 198, 49, 218)
RECT kNELineTool = (29, 152, 49, 172)
RECT kNERPitchBend = (6, 198, 26, 218)
RECT kNERRest = (6, 315, 26, 358)
RECT kNERChannel = (6, 361, 26, 381)
RECT kNERChannelDisplayNumber = (6, 361, 26, 381)
RECT kNERPercentOfValue = (6, 409, 26, 509)
RECT kNERPercentOfValueEntry = (6, 452, 26, 486)
RECT kNERBankNo = (6, 825, 26, 859)
RECT kNERBankName = (6, 862, 26, 896)
RECT kNERSwing = (6, 679, 26, 706)
RECT kNERSubsectionReturn = (6, 6, 26, 39)
RECT kNERWarnings = (6, 6, 26, 39)
RECT kNERZoomInH = (6, 959, 26, 979)
RECT kNERZoomInV = (29, 959, 49, 979)
RECT kNERZoomOutH = (6, 982, 26, 1002)
RECT kNERZoomOutV = (29, 982, 49, 1002)
RECT kNERNoteWholeNote = (29, 223, 49, 243)
RECT kNERNoteHalfNote = (29, 246, 49, 266)
RECT kNERNote4thNote = (29, 269, 49, 289)
RECT kNERNote8thNote = (29, 292, 49, 312)
RECT kNERNote16thNote = (29, 315, 49, 335)
RECT kNERNote32ndNote = (29, 338, 49, 358)
RECT kNERNote64thNote = (29, 361, 49, 381)
RECT kNER3 = (6, 246, 26, 266)
RECT kNERDot = (6, 223, 26, 243)
RECT kNER5 = (6, 269, 26, 289)
RECT kNER7 = (6, 292, 26, 312)
RECT kNERNoteValue = (29, 452, 49, 486)
RECT kNERProgramNo = (29, 825, 49, 859)
RECT kNERProgramName = (29, 862, 49, 896)
RECT kNERVolume = (6, 739, 26, 766)
RECT kNERPan = (29, 739, 49, 766)
RECT kNERVelocity = (29, 679, 49, 706)
RECT kNERStrikes (undefined to use strikes 1-6)
RECT kNERStrikes1 = (6, 606, 26, 626)
RECT kNERStrikes2 = (6, 583, 26, 603)
RECT kNERStrikes3 = (6, 560, 26, 580)
RECT kNERStrikes4 = (6, 537, 26, 557)
RECT kNERStrikes5 = (6, 514, 26, 534)
RECT kNERStrikes6 = (6, 491, 26, 512)
RECT kNERStrikeRangeRect = (29, 568, 49, 626)
RECT kNERTimeStatus1 = (6, 42, 24, 124)
RECT kNERNoteNameStatus = (29, 6, 49, 39)
RECT kNERTimeStatus2 = (29, 42, 49, 124)
RECT kNERContinuousControlPict = (29, 152, 49, 218)
RECT kNERAudioControlRect = (29, 152, 49, 218)
#767A78 kcGETextColorDisabled 0
#040400 kcGETextColorEnabled 1
#272727 kcTransportsBackground1 2
#DEDEDA kcTransportsBackground2 3
#B1B1AD kcGEBackground1 4
#222222 kcRCBackground
#83837 kcGE3DDisabled1
#999999 kcGE3DDisabled2
#222222 kcGE3DDisabled3
#888888 kcTracksBackground
#696965 kcMeterLevel3D1 10
#373733 kcMeterLevel3D2
#1B1B17 kcMeterLevel3D3
#CCCCCC kcGE3DEnabled1
#AAAAAA kcGE3DEnabled2
#111111 kcGE3DEnabled3
#79AFD6 kcJukeBoxForeground
#AAAAAA kcGEDrumBackground
#B7B7B3 kcTrackSSBackground
#5B5B57 kcMain3D1
#23262d kcMain3D2 20
#0e0f13 kcMain3D3
#2DBFD9 kcTransportForeground
#2dbcda kcGEUpperLeftForeground
#2dbcda kcGEControlForeground 24
#AAAAAA kcMainForeground
#474747 kcSectionBackground
#2A2A2A kcGEDataBackground
#0E0F12 kcGridColor1 28
#1A1A1A kcGridColor2
#229DB3 kcNoteColor
#56EFF4 kcSelectedNoteColor
#FFFFFF kcTransportButtonBackground 32
#222222 kcInstrumentControlBackground
#222222 kcInstrumentMainBackground
#999999 kcEFXBackground
#2dbfd8 kcInstrumentControlForeground 36
#2dbfd8 kcInstrumentNamesForeground
#1A1A1A kcGridColor3
#AAAAAA kcBarHeadlineColor
#AAAAAA kcTrackTextColor 40
#0e0f13 kcTrackVerticalGridColor
#2DBFD9 kcLEDDataColor
#2a2a2a kcTracksOverviewBackground
#2DBFD9 kcRulerForeground 44
#606060 kcOverview3d1
#333333 kcOverview3d2
#0e0f13 kcOverview3d3
#000000 kcTrackMovableVerticalGridColor1
#4C4C4C kcTrackMovableVerticalGridColor2
#2C2C2C kcTrackMovableVerticalGridColor3
#000000 kcTrackMovableVerticalGridColor4
#2DBFD9 kcTransportForeground2
#272727 kcRulerBackground
#8C0000 kcRecordButton
#238C00 kcMuteButton
#8C8C00 kcSoloButton
#515151 kcLED3D1
#000000 kcLED3D2
#666666 kcLED3D3
#DEDEDE kcAudioRegionColor1
#BFBFBF kcAudioRegionColor2
#656565 kcAudioRegionColor3
#000000 kcJukeBoxBackground
#2F2F2F kcTrebleClefGridColor
#222222 kcNoteEditShadeColor
#888888 kcGEMarkerBackground
#000000 kcGEMarkerForeground
#272727 kcGETrackTitleBarTextBackground
#0f1014 kgGETrackTitleBarTextBackgroundBorder
#2dbed9 kcGETrackTitleBarTextForeground
#464646 kcGETrackTitleBarButtonBackground
#cccccc kcGETrackTitleBarButtonForeground
#0e0f13 kcGETrackTitleBarButtonBackgroundBorder
#888888 kcGETrackTitleBarDraggableBackground
#008c69 kcSelectedLoopButton
#2dbcda kcGENoSelectionColor
#4d5d8d kcGEArchivedForegroundColor
#111111 kcGEDrumNameTextColor
#00606A kcSelectionHighlightColor (budislav likes 153C6A)
#C3C3C3 kcWhiteKey
#23262d kcBlackKey
#121212 kcKeyboardBorder
#aaaaaa kcDrumDisclosureBack (triangles colors)
#464646 kcDrumDisclosureFore
#cacaca kcDrumDisclosureDrop
#888888 kcDrumNameGridColor
#000000 kcListEditorHeaderText
#000000 kcActivePopupTextColor
#181b20 kcScrollBarBackground
#888888 kcScrollBarForeground
#0e0f13 kcScrollBarBorder
#464646 kScrollBarArrowBackground
#1a7587 kcHover
#135561 kcSelectScroll
#1d7c8e kcSelectButton
#00FF00 kPlayBarColor
#8080FF kContinuousBackground
#aaaaaa kTracksHeaderBackground or kTracksSelectedBackground
#c3c3c3 kStaticLabelBackground
#111111 kStaticLabelText
#2dbed9 kcVULowLevelRGB
#95dfec kcVUMedLevelRGB
#d92d2d kcVUHiLevelRGB
#AAAAAA kcGEInfoArea
#aaaaaa kcMixerSeparator
#2dbed9 kcPanSelect
#aaaaaa kcPanKnob
#111111 kcEFXForeground
#ff4040 kcMixerClipColor
#888888 kcListEditorGrid1
#999999 kcListEditorGrid2
#10a8ad kcAboutText
#b7bed0 kcJBMetroForegroundColor
#1e3133 kcJBBackgroundColor
#f8f8f8 kcJBSelectForegroundColor
#0000ff kcJBBSelectBackgroundColor

Posts: 2707
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 12:50 pm
Location: Massachusetts

Re: Editing the color-scheme...

Postby Jerm » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:15 am

P.S. the subtitle for the tips and techniques topic is 'no questions asked!'.
Posts: 2707
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 12:50 pm
Location: Massachusetts

Re: Editing the color-scheme...

Postby Lytz1 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:20 pm

Alright, I see what I can do.

Oh my... I thought this was meant ironically...
(Because in other forums tips&tricks is more like a "how can I achieve x?"-thing. Well, sorry for that..;) )

If you like you can move the thread over to General. Or otherwise, I can try to delete the post
as I have everything I need now anyway.

Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:21 pm

Re: Editing the color-scheme...

Postby Jerm » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:30 pm

No it's fine because the answer is a tip/technique.
Posts: 2707
Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2003 12:50 pm
Location: Massachusetts

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