I just want to say that v.82 is great! I have had no problems.
Since owning Metro 4.x back in '98 I have only just begun working with true multitrack recording in Metro. Silly me, I never thought to read the manual (I'm an engineer...issues?) and just accepted the fact that you could only click one track into record. (Mono/Stereo tracks)
Technique Tip:
I assume that there are others like me who write for their own pleasure, overdub, and don't need more than 2 inputs. I've been using an Alesis R12 Mixer to premix multiple mics into Left and Right busses then record them using a USB Audiophile.
Well Jerm made provisions for this. I've been using the "Split Stereo tracks" function. This splits the stereo track into two mono tracks. That has been really helpful to capture Live Performances without having to purchase expensive hardware that has more than two inputs. You can always go back and repair/overdub as needed.
Try it out as a test of your process before plunking down any cash for more inputs.
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