after recording midi, how to record audio with same device?

Post your questions/answers to older Metro products such as Metro 5, 5 SE, 4.5, 4, 3.5 etc.

after recording midi, how to record audio with same device?

Postby Mikey » Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:03 pm

I cannot seem to get audio to record with the same device that I just recorded midi tracks on Metro 5, using Mac OS9.1. I know it has to be something in the config, but am not adept at this. I am using internal Sound Manager, no cards or inputs, other than what came with the G4. Can you help? Thanks

Postby Scoot » Mon Dec 15, 2003 5:06 am

I don't quite understand what you mean by the same device you recorded midi tracks on.

I assume you have now created midi data on one or several tracks and you can see that information in the graphic editor on the track(s) with the piano roll alongside. Sound right?

To record audio, you would go to the next available track, and if you see the pianoroll down the left hand side, you would go to the PORT popup (which is above the data and near the right and probably currently says something like - PORT: Quicktime Instruments) and change this option to Audio.
You would then either see a mono or stereo audio track (a straight line waiting for a waveform to display) which you could record on once you select the 'R' for recording and have something like a mic or sound in to the mac.

If you cannot see audio as an option in the PORT popup, please go to the SETUP menu and select the 'modify instruments and busses' option.
Say for example - add (make sure you tick the add checkbox) 4 instruments to the.... and from the popup menu select "Audio".
Click the PORT should display Audio.
I do think this will be there already though.

You can look at your midi and audio tracks together by clicking on the "+" sign above the track name and then selecting one or more of the other tracks by changing the track name from the popup.

Last edited by Scoot on Mon Dec 15, 2003 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kaboombahchuck » Mon Dec 15, 2003 5:08 am

It would help if you would tell what "device" it is you are using to record your midi track with.
You do know that if you are using a synth, that an adio conection must also be made. If you are using a midi controller that it has no sounds, and you will have to choose something to make the sounds (ie Quiktime instruments).
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thanks guys

Postby Mikey » Mon Dec 15, 2003 9:59 pm

Again on the audio problem- I am using a Yamaha s80 synth - on a g4 - I have worked through all of the configs and believe I have them set right - when I got the config right, It would not record at the zero point of the "tape roll" , but would record a couple of bars after the fact, but only up to 32 bars. After doing this a couple of times it then started to pop up "insufficient memory -108" when first pushing record. I have went to the information popup and changed both memory requirements for metro, 5500k to be exact, and I have played with the buffer play and record sizes, currently both at 96khz, amount of buffers, 8 - I have 320M of RAM on a 9.1 OS. What gives? I am a newbie to metro but have previous experience with Motu stuff (Audio Media) and a newbie to this group so I hope that I am explaining myeself enough to you... :)

Postby Jerm » Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:27 pm

Please try the Metro 6 demo as I think this may be related to a problem with Metro 5 and newer (non-serial port) computers.

If the Metro 6 Demo works fine then we will know for sure.
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Postby kaboombahchuck » Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:51 pm

Sounds like you are running other apps that are munching up too much ram. You have plenty of ram to get the job done. Turn off virtual memory, and shut down everything that shows up in the finder. Quiktime, Simple text, all of that stuff. I was successful at doing what you are doing running OS9 on a 350 mHz G3 iMac. In fact I could usually make it to about 8 tracks of recorded stereo each being an avarage of 4 minuets long using 192 megs of ram.
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Postby Mikey » Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:21 am

Metro 6 works fine. Thanks jerm! I will download ASAP for full version. Will return for insights I come across for other users. Couldn't have done it without you!
Mikey :D :D

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