First things first: Thanks a lot for the last beta - the "disk too slow" error is gone at last with my EMI6|2m
I'm beta-testing the Vokator AU right now. It opens without a problem in Rax (and according to other testers also in Logic). In Metro SE 6.0.7 it crashes Metro on startup - not shure whether it's a Vokator or a Metro bug, but I'll attach the console log - maybe it's of use.
Best, Achim.
Date/Time: 2003-05-29 02:43:56 +0200
OS Version: 10.2.6 (Build 6L60)
Host: AchimsMac.local.
Command: Metro SE
PID: 17739
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0xc000f000
Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x000fc16c in __code_start__
#1 0x01d6e8f4 in NI::AB::InterfaceAU::Render(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long)
#2 0x01dd79a8 in AUBase::RenderBus(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long)
#3 0x01d67ee4 in AUBase::DoRenderBus(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, AUOutputElement*, unsigned long, AudioBufferList&)
#4 0x01d67d98 in AUBase::DoRender(unsigned long&, AudioTimeStamp const&, unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioBufferList&)
#5 0x01d693d4 in AudioUnitBaseRender(AUBase*, unsigned long*, AudioTimeStamp const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, AudioBufferList*)
#6 0x000fae34 in __code_start__
#7 0x000f8c28 in __code_start__
#8 0x000f889c in __code_start__
#9 0x0008d5bc in __code_start__
#10 0x0008e95c in __code_start__
#11 0x000935d0 in __code_start__
#12 0x00094730 in __code_start__
#13 0x000ab4f0 in __code_start__
#14 0x000b0b4c in __code_start__
#15 0x0005b70c in __code_start__
#16 0x0005b5f4 in __code_start__
#17 0x0005d804 in __code_start__
#18 0x00080090 in __code_start__
#19 0x0007f75c in __code_start__
#20 0x0007f534 in __code_start__
#21 0x0007f618 in __code_start__
#22 0x0007e630 in __code_start__
#23 0x00003d28 in __code_start__
#24 0x00003ba8 in __code_start__
Thread 1:
#0 0x90073c48 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005f90 in mach_msg
#2 0xc0007758 in __ape_internal
#3 0xc0001160 in __ape_agent
#4 0x90020d48 in _pthread_body
Thread 2:
#0 0x90073c48 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005f90 in mach_msg
#2 0x013a51f8 in ah_serv_loop
#3 0x90020d48 in _pthread_body
Thread 3:
#0 0x90042688 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003e8b4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x90232770 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
#3 0x9023b550 in TimerThread
#4 0x90020d48 in _pthread_body
Thread 4:
#0 0x90073c48 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90005f90 in mach_msg
#2 0x953ddd90 in XServerMachPort::ReceiveMessage(int&, void*, int&)
#3 0x953d17c8 in MIDIInPortThread::Run()
#4 0x953d560c in XThread::RunHelper(void*)
#5 0x90020d48 in _pthread_body
Thread 5:
#0 0x900112c8 in semaphore_timedwait_trap
#1 0x0008d14c in __code_start__
#2 0x90020d48 in _pthread_body
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x000fc16c srr1: 0x0200d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x01d69f58 ctr: 0x000fc14c mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x0000f880 r1: 0xbffff2a0 r2: 0xbffff780 r3: 0x019e5b10
r4: 0x053fa650 r5: 0x00003e20 r6: 0x00000000 r7: 0x00000100
r8: 0x053cbcd0 r9: 0xbffff5c8 r10: 0x90223438 r11: 0x001e2c58
r12: 0x000fc14c r13: 0x001feaf8 r14: 0x001fa0c4 r15: 0x00000000
r16: 0x00000002 r17: 0x00000100 r18: 0x00000008 r19: 0x00000000
r20: 0x053cae40 r21: 0x0175d190 r22: 0xffffffff r23: 0x0175d210
r24: 0x019e5b10 r25: 0x01d6e764 r26: 0xbffff580 r27: 0xbffff588
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000100 r30: 0x053cbcd0 r31: 0x0175d190