I'm running on a Macbook Pro 2Ghz with 1Gb of RAM.
WIth just one track using the Crystal AU (macintel version) many polyphonic patches will do
the following:
a) exhibit, on a certain note (always the same note or spot in a looped pattern), a glitchy sound as THE METRO CLOCK SLOWS DOWN at the same time - meaning that if the note occurs at, say, beat three of measure two, Metro will take two or three time as long to get to beet three of measure two as it should while playing back. Naturally this makes one nervous about timing issues when doing film soundtrack work even when no glitch is heard...
b) Produce a core audio message baout "audio processing overloads" with various numbers (I get as low as 24 and as high, so far, as 846 within a few seconds).
Don't know if its Crystal, Metro, or the MBP but I'm naturallty distressed now that my favorite audio software and favorite plugin suddenly malfunction on what is now my only machine!