errors or features?
1. Should the Master Fader display clipping on playback?
If you have an audio track open and you add an effect like a compressor so you can boost the output, you can easily get the audio track 1 to max out and have a full VU. The Master goes up along with it (as there is only one track they match) but there is never a clip on the master. Does it not work in playback?
2. Have two audio tracks open with an effect on each. (any AU's)
Open the effects/synth window
Start playback
Click on the green power light to turn off the effect on track 1
Goto track 2 in the effects synth window and click the green light on
Dialog appears
AudioUnitErr No Connection
Thing is if you just click the green power light on and off on the same track it doesn't happen.
No problems with red individual on/off lights........I suppose cause the effect is on standby to come on as the green light is powered and ready??