Nader and Baldwin 3rd Party Debate
If you want to learn far more about this country’s hubris filled plutocracy than you will ever learn in the bogus debate from the main stream stifling media, watch this 3rd party debate from CSPAN. I don’t know how anyone can watch this entire video (below is only part 1) and feel good about voting for Obama or McCain.
Max Keiser radio and video
Here is the 10/18/2008 radio show where Max and Stacy talk about an unnamed zone between Canada and Mexico…
Here Max predicts the Icelandic collapse of 2008 in 2007….
CIA agent knows who made money from selling Airline stock on 9/10/2001
Make sure to check out what is said in the last 20 seconds of this video.
Main Stream Media
Do not watch main stream media. It is all propaganda now run by corporations.
The economy is screwed!
I am shorting the market until the S&P hits 600. Then I am going to the sideline while home prices plummet.
The best source for economic truth is the market-ticker.
Other links to the right.