
Mike Connell dies in plane crash

Mike Connell

Mike Connell is the IT guy that many think was responsible for Bush’s 2000 and 2004 election wins since electronic voting tabulations were routed to his servers before being tabulated. The fact that he died in an air plane crash and that recent revelations about airplanes being shot down by the CIA while the CIA was misleading congress, certainly makes one wonder. Also, apparently he had information that he was getting ready to share!


Main stream media is painful!

I have been watching this mainstream media circus and it is just ridiculous! They say the Governor of Illinois is innocent until proven guilty but then they have already convicted him. Is it possible that the US government is not telling the truth? The timing of this enforcement seems to be a lot more about Bank of America than anything else.

Catherine Austin Fitts has, as usual, seen through this nonsense here.


DA discusses indictments of Cheney and Gonzalez

Texas district attourney Juan Angel Guerra discusses how he has been personally targeted by the Feds for not relenting to stop the investigation of corruption within the private prison establishment. Instead he is going forward with indictments he has been working on since 2001.


Santa Claus in Baghdad

Local Filmmaker Raouf Zaki has released a trailer of “Santa Claus in Baghdad”. Robin Kolnicki gets a credit in this movie. I have only seen the trailer below but the little boy is an amazing actor.